Original sin is one of the things that tells me this religion is untrue. It makes no sense that perfect newborn babies have a fatal flaw built in that keeps them from eternal life in a magical spirit world. What an incredible mindfuck.
Babies don't do those things. To hold a toddler liable for lying and stealing under pain of eternal damnation is retarded. It's the most unjust thing I have ever heard of. What can they possibly do that is that bad?
@UltraMagaOK, your concern about original sin and its impact on newborns is understandable. The doctrine of original sin can indeed seem harsh at first glance. However, it's important to remember a few things from a theological perspective:
Human Nature: The concept of original sin doesn't mean that newborns are guilty of specific sins like lying or stealing. Instead, it points to the inherent human tendency towards sin, which we can observe in how children naturally exhibit selfish behaviors.
Age of Accountability: Many Christians believe in an age of accountability, where young children are seen as innocent and not held accountable for their actions until they reach an age where they can understand right and wrong (See below verses).
Redemption and Grace: The core of Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ came to redeem humanity from sin. This includes the effects of original sin. God's grace is abundant, and children are often seen under His special care and mercy.
Parental Guidance: Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children towards understanding moral and ethical behavior. Teaching children to tell the truth and respect others is part of nurturing their growth and countering the natural inclinations towards selfishness.
@GMFactual, you raised a good point about whether we have to teach children to lie or steal. It seems that these behaviors come naturally, which aligns with the biblical view of a sinful nature. However, teaching them not to do these things is part of our responsibility as parents and guardians.
Here are 2 verses that point to the idea of the "Age of Accountability"
Deuteronomy 1:39 (NIV)
"And the little ones that you said would be taken captive, your children who do not yet know good from bad—they will enter the land. I will give it to them, and they will take possession of it."
Isaiah 7:15-16 (NIV)
"He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, for before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste."
I get where you’re coming from, and it’s definitely a tough concept to wrap your head around. The idea of eternal punishment for finite actions can seem really harsh, especially when we think about it from our human perspective.
It’s not just about individual acts like lying or stealing. Sin, in the Christian view, is more about being separated from a perfectly holy God. Since God is infinitely holy, even the smallest sin is a big deal in that context.
From our standpoint, eternal punishment seems overkill. But God’s sense of justice is perfect and way beyond what we can fully grasp. His understanding of sin’s impact is on a cosmic level that we can't always see.
God gave us free will to choose Him or not. Hell is seen not just as punishment but as a consequence of choosing to live apart from God. It’s like God respects our choices to the point that He lets us decide our eternal destiny.
The core of Christianity is that God provided a way out through Jesus. Jesus’ death and resurrection offer a way to reconcile with God, highlighting His love and mercy. Salvation is a free gift available to everyone who wants it.
The Bible says God doesn’t want anyone to perish but wants everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). He offers salvation to all, which shows His loving and kind nature.
I hope this gives you a different perspective. It’s definitely a challenging topic, but it’s worth exploring further. Thanks for the thoughtful discussion!
My point is this: The child already has evil in mind you must teach them not to be. Before they understand the concept of free will they will be judged with understanding of their ignorance. Not holding someone who knows good and evil who chooses evil in unjust without damnation the world is unjust.
It's not about frivolous bad behavior. Ultimately, it's about rejecting Him. The lying and stealing is just a symptom of separation from God. Your creator. He gave you the right and the ability to reject Him, but it is to your peril.
Man is under the original sin true, but babies get a pass until they can execute free will. Then their innocence can be lost.
Edit: My pastor worded it thusly.
Well. Just to be clear babies are not innocent. They have a sin nature and use that sin nature long before they have understanding to give their lives to Christ. However it appears that God’s grace covers them until they have the ability to accept or reject Christ.
Everyone knows it is supposed to be because of adam and eve. I think it is dumb and makes no sense. We all inherit their sin of not staying ignorant like god wanted therefore we are damned without jesus? Could you pick a more inscrutable, bizarre belief system?
Sorry, but because of Adam man is born without spirit. However a child is sanctified by the believing parent says so in 1st Corinthians.
God loved so much he gave His only begotten Son. What you see is the most loving God ever
When you get born again yiu receive the gift of holy spirit. Adam had spirit upon him until he spiritually died from wilful disobedience. He went from havingbanconnecrion to God to losing that connection. That left ll men to in theirch of being born spiritually separated from God. Christ came and paid the price to set it right. That is why rimans 10:9 tells us to Confess Jesus as Lord to be made whole (saved) again. Body and soul (breath life) and spirit. Once again complete as God designed. Man lost it through freedom of will and he regains it by freely of his will.confessin. Christ as lord. Hope that helps.
Thanks, needed this today.
We're all just a DM away if you want to talk, fren.
John, Acts, and Romans. A good starting point for new followers. JAR for short.
Amen! And there’s nothing wrong with being angry at what’s going on in our nation. There are 66 books in the Bible. Read them All!
Never saw this resource. Saving it. Thanks for posting.
Instead of confessing sin confess what God tells you to confess... The Savior from sin.
Confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead and thou shalt be saved.
Couldn't be clearer.
Original sin is one of the things that tells me this religion is untrue. It makes no sense that perfect newborn babies have a fatal flaw built in that keeps them from eternal life in a magical spirit world. What an incredible mindfuck.
Have you raised any kids from birth? It's pretty obvious early on that they are born sinful.
I have and I think that is ridiculous.
Did you have to teach them to lie or steal? Or did you teach them them not to ?
Babies don't do those things. To hold a toddler liable for lying and stealing under pain of eternal damnation is retarded. It's the most unjust thing I have ever heard of. What can they possibly do that is that bad?
@UltraMagaOK, your concern about original sin and its impact on newborns is understandable. The doctrine of original sin can indeed seem harsh at first glance. However, it's important to remember a few things from a theological perspective:
Human Nature: The concept of original sin doesn't mean that newborns are guilty of specific sins like lying or stealing. Instead, it points to the inherent human tendency towards sin, which we can observe in how children naturally exhibit selfish behaviors.
Age of Accountability: Many Christians believe in an age of accountability, where young children are seen as innocent and not held accountable for their actions until they reach an age where they can understand right and wrong (See below verses).
Redemption and Grace: The core of Christianity is the belief that Jesus Christ came to redeem humanity from sin. This includes the effects of original sin. God's grace is abundant, and children are often seen under His special care and mercy.
Parental Guidance: Parents play a crucial role in guiding their children towards understanding moral and ethical behavior. Teaching children to tell the truth and respect others is part of nurturing their growth and countering the natural inclinations towards selfishness.
@GMFactual, you raised a good point about whether we have to teach children to lie or steal. It seems that these behaviors come naturally, which aligns with the biblical view of a sinful nature. However, teaching them not to do these things is part of our responsibility as parents and guardians.
Here are 2 verses that point to the idea of the "Age of Accountability"
Deuteronomy 1:39 (NIV)
Isaiah 7:15-16 (NIV)
I think no amount of lying and stealing throughout a finite life warrants infinite punishment. It's very far from kind and loving. This god is sick.
I get where you’re coming from, and it’s definitely a tough concept to wrap your head around. The idea of eternal punishment for finite actions can seem really harsh, especially when we think about it from our human perspective.
It’s not just about individual acts like lying or stealing. Sin, in the Christian view, is more about being separated from a perfectly holy God. Since God is infinitely holy, even the smallest sin is a big deal in that context.
From our standpoint, eternal punishment seems overkill. But God’s sense of justice is perfect and way beyond what we can fully grasp. His understanding of sin’s impact is on a cosmic level that we can't always see.
God gave us free will to choose Him or not. Hell is seen not just as punishment but as a consequence of choosing to live apart from God. It’s like God respects our choices to the point that He lets us decide our eternal destiny.
The core of Christianity is that God provided a way out through Jesus. Jesus’ death and resurrection offer a way to reconcile with God, highlighting His love and mercy. Salvation is a free gift available to everyone who wants it.
The Bible says God doesn’t want anyone to perish but wants everyone to come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). He offers salvation to all, which shows His loving and kind nature.
I hope this gives you a different perspective. It’s definitely a challenging topic, but it’s worth exploring further. Thanks for the thoughtful discussion!
What person can steal and lie their entire life I never be held accountable. you’re OK with that?
so you’re OK with the DNC line to everybody every day while they’re on the campaign trail?
You’re OK with people loading and stealing from stores and places like California and Chicago, without any consequences?
People can sit with impunity and never be held accountable?
This is something that Satan would say. I’m not your father, and that’s who you listen to. How sad is that?
You have an opportunity right now to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You now know the truth, and now it’s your choice. 🤷♀️
God doesn’t owe us anything, but he gave us everything.
My point is this: The child already has evil in mind you must teach them not to be. Before they understand the concept of free will they will be judged with understanding of their ignorance. Not holding someone who knows good and evil who chooses evil in unjust without damnation the world is unjust.
That's not evil. The god who would damn people for frivolous bad behavior is evil.
It's not about frivolous bad behavior. Ultimately, it's about rejecting Him. The lying and stealing is just a symptom of separation from God. Your creator. He gave you the right and the ability to reject Him, but it is to your peril.
Man is under the original sin true, but babies get a pass until they can execute free will. Then their innocence can be lost.
Edit: My pastor worded it thusly.
Well. Just to be clear babies are not innocent. They have a sin nature and use that sin nature long before they have understanding to give their lives to Christ. However it appears that God’s grace covers them until they have the ability to accept or reject Christ.
Read Genisis. You will be more informed and not make uninformed comments.
Everyone knows it is supposed to be because of adam and eve. I think it is dumb and makes no sense. We all inherit their sin of not staying ignorant like god wanted therefore we are damned without jesus? Could you pick a more inscrutable, bizarre belief system?
Sorry, but because of Adam man is born without spirit. However a child is sanctified by the believing parent says so in 1st Corinthians. God loved so much he gave His only begotten Son. What you see is the most loving God ever
"Without spirit?" What?
Asking as a Christian, I don't remember this one.
When you get born again yiu receive the gift of holy spirit. Adam had spirit upon him until he spiritually died from wilful disobedience. He went from havingbanconnecrion to God to losing that connection. That left ll men to in theirch of being born spiritually separated from God. Christ came and paid the price to set it right. That is why rimans 10:9 tells us to Confess Jesus as Lord to be made whole (saved) again. Body and soul (breath life) and spirit. Once again complete as God designed. Man lost it through freedom of will and he regains it by freely of his will.confessin. Christ as lord. Hope that helps.
God was smart enough to hide mans conscience somewhere in his di gestion