Just got back from there. Georgia State University would only allow 6000 people into the venue even though the center seats 7500 and the fire marshall approved the full usage. Seems GSU administration has gone woke. It is the same location where Harris had her rally starring Megan Thee Stallion. I think they will try to push that more people were at her’s than Trumps. There were thousands of people waiting outside for Trumps rally.
I don't know how much stock should be put into this, but various prophets say another attempt will be made against Trump. This includes the famous one who predicted the ear injury. I saw some people post that it will happen in Atlanta GA. I don't know were they heard that, but both Trump and Vance will be in the same place making an attempt against them possible. Anyways, I think everyone should pray for their safety regardless.
President Trump is scheduled to speak at 5PM Eastern.
Here I am checking if he’s on stage yet multiple times 3 hours early kek
POTUS on stage at 6:04 ET
Left stage at 7:37 which it's sum is 17 kek
Bravo qa! Kek!
Just got back from there. Georgia State University would only allow 6000 people into the venue even though the center seats 7500 and the fire marshall approved the full usage. Seems GSU administration has gone woke. It is the same location where Harris had her rally starring Megan Thee Stallion. I think they will try to push that more people were at her’s than Trumps. There were thousands of people waiting outside for Trumps rally.
Thanks. I figured something was up.
Thanks...wondered what POTUS was referencing..
so 6 then
Looks like you may win the todays raffle.
President Trump has taken the stage.
Please God keep the president safe at this rally today.
Amen! Today and everyday Please Lord! 🙏
"Hi.". May Be My Favorite Moment From Trump's Last Rally.
Hi Titus.
Sweet moment! 💕
I don't know how much stock should be put into this, but various prophets say another attempt will be made against Trump. This includes the famous one who predicted the ear injury. I saw some people post that it will happen in Atlanta GA. I don't know were they heard that, but both Trump and Vance will be in the same place making an attempt against them possible. Anyways, I think everyone should pray for their safety regardless.
Be careful who you follow. Many false prophets are around now, including the 'ear injury prediction' guy.
Just mentioned the sweet ladies who follow and attend his Rallies...this one is number 216!
I saw none of them or their husbands in Harrisburg. I thought that was interesting. This movie is awesome.
Hhhmmm... that is interesting! 🤔