The house I grew up in had a coal bin in the basement and an incinerator. I remember as a kid stepping on the pedal of the incinerator and being amazed as the flame rose higher. Dad never used it much, I dont think.
The coal bin had a chute that went upstairs with a door outside for the delivery guys to shovel it through. Of course by the time I came around they no longer used coal to heat the house. We had a gas furnace.
When I was in grade school we were already living in a rural area. My great grandmother was still living in the city. Steel was still being produced in the US back then (early to mid 1970s). I knew we were close to her house as I could smell the burning coal in the air from the steel plants.
Fast forward to the 1990s and I had the chance to go to Germany (worked for the US subsidiary of a gmbh). Ended up being there on unification week and everyone got the day off so we drove into East Germany. Almost immediately after crossing the border I could smell the coal. They burned it everywhere.
I have a few hundred pounds of anthracite for the fireplace and woodburners. I use it all the time in the pole barn woodburners but not in the house. Most is for a Mad Max scenario.
I also rigged up my own oil dripper for the pole barn burner. I burn all my used oil in it in the winter time. Really adds to the BTUs. Keep in mind that my pole barn is also the central location for my company. It is the sales office, the maintenance facility and the materials shed.
That reminds me - I gotta find a way to get rid of a bunch of used oil before we move. Not sure I can find anyone to take it and burning it's going to take awhile.
Your Daily Reminder that the ability to turn slippery mud into plastic and fuel and countless useful and necessary products that improve our lives stands as one of the all-time great achievements of humankind, a true modern miracle
And we have CENTURIES of supply left, right under our feet
We could be living in the most prosperous paradise imaginable, if only sane people were allowed to be in charge
Convenience always gives way to degradation. Plastics make a lot of things convenient and now micro plastics may just end us all. That’s in addition to all the other toxic materials slowly killing us. In hindsight we traded all the God given materials needed for life and replaced them with synthetic man made materials. This goes across all industries. All a facets of life. Shame on us.
Although your premise is correct, it wasn't us but "them" that did it to us... All part of the globalist agenda to depopulate the planet... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
They may have created boundaries for us to live in but we still chose to comply and live within those provided boundaries. Mostly out of convenience and fear. Cheers!
like you i remember those days well lol
The house I grew up in had a coal bin in the basement and an incinerator. I remember as a kid stepping on the pedal of the incinerator and being amazed as the flame rose higher. Dad never used it much, I dont think.
The coal bin had a chute that went upstairs with a door outside for the delivery guys to shovel it through. Of course by the time I came around they no longer used coal to heat the house. We had a gas furnace.
When I was in grade school we were already living in a rural area. My great grandmother was still living in the city. Steel was still being produced in the US back then (early to mid 1970s). I knew we were close to her house as I could smell the burning coal in the air from the steel plants.
Fast forward to the 1990s and I had the chance to go to Germany (worked for the US subsidiary of a gmbh). Ended up being there on unification week and everyone got the day off so we drove into East Germany. Almost immediately after crossing the border I could smell the coal. They burned it everywhere.
Probably never smell that smell again.
I have a few hundred pounds of anthracite for the fireplace and woodburners. I use it all the time in the pole barn woodburners but not in the house. Most is for a Mad Max scenario.
I also rigged up my own oil dripper for the pole barn burner. I burn all my used oil in it in the winter time. Really adds to the BTUs. Keep in mind that my pole barn is also the central location for my company. It is the sales office, the maintenance facility and the materials shed.
That reminds me - I gotta find a way to get rid of a bunch of used oil before we move. Not sure I can find anyone to take it and burning it's going to take awhile.
We still have a burning barrel. We live rural and last I looked trash pickup was $35 a month for one bag a week. I can't afford a bill like that.
I remember kekekekek... Have an awesome day my friend... ☕☕☕
Wish him luck for me...
I hope he's ok. Don't worry about me hun... Family first always
I'm glad he's doing better... Heat stroke is no fun... Lots of water and salt tablets helps...
Charcoal briquettes? From oil? Wtf? I cook with those things.
Weird right??? Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Your Daily Reminder that the ability to turn slippery mud into plastic and fuel and countless useful and necessary products that improve our lives stands as one of the all-time great achievements of humankind, a true modern miracle
And we have CENTURIES of supply left, right under our feet
We could be living in the most prosperous paradise imaginable, if only sane people were allowed to be in charge
Instead we have politicians
Kekekekek... Amen to that fren... Cheers... ☕️☕️☕️
Ben, I want to say one word to you. Just one word: Plastics.
Kekekek... Yup... Cheers fren... ☕️☕️☕️
Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson?
Convenience always gives way to degradation. Plastics make a lot of things convenient and now micro plastics may just end us all. That’s in addition to all the other toxic materials slowly killing us. In hindsight we traded all the God given materials needed for life and replaced them with synthetic man made materials. This goes across all industries. All a facets of life. Shame on us.
Although your premise is correct, it wasn't us but "them" that did it to us... All part of the globalist agenda to depopulate the planet... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
They may have created boundaries for us to live in but we still chose to comply and live within those provided boundaries. Mostly out of convenience and fear. Cheers!
I agree except for rather than fear, it was ignorance... We were still all asleep...
Renewable resources for the win!!!
Amazing isn't it??? Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
It doesn't come without great cost to the planet.
Agreed, the price of modernization... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
It literally bubbles out of the ground in some places.
Go worship dirt somewhere else.
That comment is far from worshipping dirt. Not all opinions are based in extremes. Go purity test somewhere else.