133 () posted 180 days ago by Tefl0nDon 180 days ago by Tefl0nDon +137 / -4 73 comments share 73 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Think about this: they really wanted “their own country” so badly; now they are taking over the USA. WHY?
It’s not like the holocaust happened in the USA, right?
Is the US “government” really serving the American people?
hahaha, you have to wonder at all those holohoax museums springing up ..... At all the Marxist eduction springing up ....
Those are the Synagoges for the "Goyim".... either submit, or get canceled.
Those things (HMs) are everywhere!
Supposedly they’ve been here for decades, but I never saw one until recently.
It seemed like there was ONE in Europe, but now they’re in all big cities and some not-so-big ones…
Wtf is going on?
Are some vids on the net where some, repeat some, consider europeans to be edomites or amelek, and are instructed to remove them from the earth and any memory of them.
Is also a remnant that will be saved btw, per Bible