Liz Crokin on X-
I told you last night Walx probably abuses his son.
If he does this to him on stage for the whole world to see.imagine what he does to him behind closed doors.
Tim Walz is a Monster and gives off major pedophile vibes...
Whoever is making excuses for Walz' behavior is just as bad as the man himself. While there are times that people with disabilities display stubbornness and difficult behavior, Walz' short temper and poor reaction in front of millions is a clear indicator of a person with maniacal tendencies. Just look how overly excited he gets to the point where he becomes giddy and child-like, kicking his leg up like a Rockette. This guy is a loon.
Trump would handle this completely different. It's all about his face not the pull. Trump would do this lovingly as would any parent that doesn't want their son to get injured. His son was inconveniencing him at it showed. He almost messed up tampon's big show. This guy is evil.
But if you look at the hands, you'll see the kids Fingers were tucked in a way that makes the pain from such a grab very painful....
It's much worse than squeezing the Fingers together in a hand shake, it's squeezing the finger tips tighter it an abnormal way, that stretches the tendons and forces the finger tips to close inward in a smaller tighter way than normal.....
It's a method used by some cops to get people to cooperate, they begin to curl your hand into a Fist, but about half way, they just squeeze your fingertips so they touch the middle of your Fingers and not your palm....
Just because it's RARE, doesn't mean it isn't actually a Thing....
An Yes, I have SEEN that specific thing happen, Girl felt such sympathy for the guy, because he ha some horrible Affliction, that she CHOSE to take him out back behind the Wood Shed and allow him to lose his Virginity....
As for your Epilepsy, I'm guessing that if you play it correctly, you can very much get Sympathy Rides everywhere you go, an possibly even a part time helper in your home....
One of the things I had to deal with growing up was ignorance. Autism and other physical issues were not really known about in depth as they are these days. I suffered significant physical abuse because back then, that was the only way to deal with it. I eventually grew up, and the episodes subsided, but I still remember my mother coming after me with a wooden spoon or a belt because I didn't know then what I was doing. I feel for this kid, really. His parents are so ignorant. One of the reasons I decided to become a teacher is so that I could ensure that no kid would endure what I had to go through as a kid - sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Now that I am in my sixties and don't have that much time left, I wish there was something I could do.
If his kid is handicapped he may have done that to keep him moving. Can't stand walz but picking on this makes us look stupid. Plenty wrong with walz to pick on. Find something legit.
Unfit for office:
And more. Remember the semen from the horse incident, he was taking to the hospital for ingesting too much of it. Nasty evildoers
I wasn't going to mention the horsey thing but yes that too.
Semen from horse? Are you tell me horses gang-banged him, and he got overdose of horse cum?
Yep. These demons are nasty.
And Walz's face when he's doing that- looks cruel
I saw that look too. It's a look only people who have never experienced a true life lesson are able to show.
Soon pede soon.
Liz Crokin on X- I told you last night Walx probably abuses his son. If he does this to him on stage for the whole world to see.imagine what he does to him behind closed doors. Tim Walz is a Monster and gives off major pedophile vibes...
Liz should look up and interview the kids he coached..."skeletons there"
Whoever is making excuses for Walz' behavior is just as bad as the man himself. While there are times that people with disabilities display stubbornness and difficult behavior, Walz' short temper and poor reaction in front of millions is a clear indicator of a person with maniacal tendencies. Just look how overly excited he gets to the point where he becomes giddy and child-like, kicking his leg up like a Rockette. This guy is a loon.
There's something very wrong with the wife. She gives me the heebie jeebies.
not enough for me.
You can see he was going to hit the podium.
But i'll admit a little bit of his true self comes out in his face.
Trump would handle this completely different. It's all about his face not the pull. Trump would do this lovingly as would any parent that doesn't want their son to get injured. His son was inconveniencing him at it showed. He almost messed up tampon's big show. This guy is evil.
That’s the first thing I thought. He is evil to the core.
This is more revealing than any speech Tampon Tim ever gave.
Not a surprise really. We already know what all of these people are about. Damaged, deranged, demonic, and dangerous.
How come the wives all look the fucking same, Killary clones
He drinks horse pudding
If his son is having so many difficulties due to his disabilities, maybe Walz shouldn't parade him around the political arena like that to begin with.
It's a Sympathy Move....
He's using the kid to gain sympathy votes....
But if you look at the hands, you'll see the kids Fingers were tucked in a way that makes the pain from such a grab very painful....
It's much worse than squeezing the Fingers together in a hand shake, it's squeezing the finger tips tighter it an abnormal way, that stretches the tendons and forces the finger tips to close inward in a smaller tighter way than normal.....
It's a method used by some cops to get people to cooperate, they begin to curl your hand into a Fist, but about half way, they just squeeze your fingertips so they touch the middle of your Fingers and not your palm....
I guess you've never heard of a Sympathy Fuck....
Just because it's RARE, doesn't mean it isn't actually a Thing....
An Yes, I have SEEN that specific thing happen, Girl felt such sympathy for the guy, because he ha some horrible Affliction, that she CHOSE to take him out back behind the Wood Shed and allow him to lose his Virginity....
As for your Epilepsy, I'm guessing that if you play it correctly, you can very much get Sympathy Rides everywhere you go, an possibly even a part time helper in your home....
after I posted, I saw the video about TW leaving people behind, so I deleted my comment. before I saw your reply...
and I definitely agree, if the boy has anxiety, he shouldn't have to participate. and then people wouldn't wonder why TW grabbed him like that.
will have to reevaluate- learn more about him and his family.
Well his dad has a disability so....
One of the things I had to deal with growing up was ignorance. Autism and other physical issues were not really known about in depth as they are these days. I suffered significant physical abuse because back then, that was the only way to deal with it. I eventually grew up, and the episodes subsided, but I still remember my mother coming after me with a wooden spoon or a belt because I didn't know then what I was doing. I feel for this kid, really. His parents are so ignorant. One of the reasons I decided to become a teacher is so that I could ensure that no kid would endure what I had to go through as a kid - sexual, physical and emotional abuse. Now that I am in my sixties and don't have that much time left, I wish there was something I could do.
If his kid is handicapped he may have done that to keep him moving. Can't stand walz but picking on this makes us look stupid. Plenty wrong with walz to pick on. Find something legit.