It only applies to those with personal assets over $100m apparently? Please correct me if I’m wrong as this is what my friends are saying. Even if it’s true, it is designed to ruin people of wealth. People like Trump.
They are so afraid of him they are literally willing to do anything to stop him.
The income tax started at 1% of income and applied to only 3% of the population, when first introduced.
That argument flies over their stupid heads. Tried it already.
and even that was supposed to be temporary..
Isn’t it always
I’m sure that number is going to slide right on down into the middle class bracket if kamaltoeho gets selected.
They do every time.
My hubby reposted someone else's post about the unrealized capital gains tax on Facebook and was immediately told that his post was misinformation (fact checkers checked it out) and that if he continued posting this misinformation that Facebook would basically shadow all his post so noone would see them.
She gets this and billionaires will leave the Cali
This is the camel’s nose under the tent. They’re coming for your house.
Pretty sure anyone with that kind of money has the capability and means of moving it to foreign accounts or coming up with some other way of avoiding this. I see it more as a pretext to eventually lower that cutoff point and screw over small investors
This is the target. To tax your retirement. It's the last untapped resource for them to steal.