“If your Lord was standing before you, how would you know Him?”
He came once, most of His people missed Him, and history rhymes and repeats, like a song.
At the same time, there are Antichrists, who
Mark 13:22
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.
So the means by which we discern Him is of utmost importance. What we are seeing now are indeed signs and wonders. Are they His?. The right people certainly seem to hate him, but is that the means by which we know His works? He wants us to know and recognize His CHARACTER, how he ACTS, what he VALUES, and to IMITATE it.
The current Orange Man does not appear to have been sinless, but does appear to be pursuing God’s designs and character, and restoring awareness of Him to the people, and it seems as though he’s been walking righteously for some time, and definitely while he’s been before us. Where could that put him in this story?
… We’ll see. I don’t think it was a drop, but someone, at some point, said to get right with God.
I asked a question before:
“If your Lord was standing before you, how would you know Him?”
He came once, most of His people missed Him, and history rhymes and repeats, like a song.
At the same time, there are Antichrists, who
So the means by which we discern Him is of utmost importance. What we are seeing now are indeed signs and wonders. Are they His?. The right people certainly seem to hate him, but is that the means by which we know His works? He wants us to know and recognize His CHARACTER, how he ACTS, what he VALUES, and to IMITATE it.
The current Orange Man does not appear to have been sinless, but does appear to be pursuing God’s designs and character, and restoring awareness of Him to the people, and it seems as though he’s been walking righteously for some time, and definitely while he’s been before us. Where could that put him in this story?
… We’ll see. I don’t think it was a drop, but someone, at some point, said to get right with God.
Good advice, no matter what happens.
The Antichrist doesn’t have the wounds of crucifixion. Christ does.
Another good point to watch for.
Most underrated comment. +1
BOOM u/AmateurExpert
Questions reveal answers.
I wish I could pin this at the top.
u/RandoMando2A yes Indeed the most underrated comment.
He was also smote in the right ear.
His people didn't miss Him. We have a misunderstanding of who His people are.