AmateurExpert 6 points ago +6 / -0

Here’s a question for you:

What’s better if we go to arrest high profile politicians who’ve been working for the same parties that have controlled all the narratives for hundreds of years?

  • Wing it
  • Establish precedents first

They do want to come for us. We have more than we know.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

Assault chickens, you mean.

Every year, over 130,000,000 innocent Britons are hit in drive-by eggings, most of them being BIPOCS and LGBP+. Of those, nearly 911,000,187 are driven to suicide from the overwhelming hate.

This genociding has to end.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +2 / -1

“Gnosis” means “to know”. “Belief” is a different thing. My opinion is that it is perfectly well possible to believe a thing without knowing it. I also never said what I believed, and don’t intend to as it’s against the policy. :-)

1 Corinthians 2:2 - For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

Anyhow I was just trying to complement and support you guys on the call.


Together frogs strong.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Guessing you got downdooted for not having enough flair. 37 is the minimum.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

The good guys are humanity and the bad guys are humanity, except in both cases it’s a specific subset and we don’t know who is in it.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wait just one minute here.

Are you saying that whether you call Soros a Nazi or a Jew, you’re right, but also whether you call him a Nazi or a Jew, you’re wrong, and also if you call him a Nazi, you can be called an anti-Semite, but if you don’t call him a Nazi you can’t call out his crimes, and that you’re an anti-Semite for calling out his crimes even though his crimes were against Jews, and that it’s ridiculous to call him a Nazi because he’s Jewish and works with a ton of Jews, and that pointing out his banking connections might also make one anti-Semitic because those banking connections are heavily Jewish in some way?

That doesn’t sound like any kind of five-way bind that enemies of God and Man would try to create to gain power over anyone while intentionally hiding their own crimes so they can commit more of them.

You must be one of them anti-Semites.

Maybe we should also work on cleaning up this language to where things can be stated that are logically coherent.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0


You’d think since you guys know so much about how this is wrong, you’d weigh in.

Why don’t you tell us how we’re wrong? I myself am fully open to correction, and only have hostility toward intentional enemies of God.

My guess is that you’re the people we’re referring to and you just don’t like any posts that get close to the truth, and you’re terrified of posts that actually hit it directly, and have NO intention of repenting and turning to righteousness.

“You sank my battleship!”

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s awesome how even if you do

Trump site:greatawakening.win

You get nothing in most search engines. Even if you know the site exists and explicitly query for it you get blocked.


AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

That policy does make a lot of sense, too. I’m a flat earth agnostic, but love pushing peoples buttons on it because epistemology is really neat, and a lot of people think they “know” a lot more than they actually know.

For a while, I’d push people on how they know the Earth isn’t flat, thinking it a very inert topic, as it doesn’t affect a single one of us in any single way in our daily lives. It became very apparent very quickly that this is absolutely not the case. People will get as defensive, and sometimes moreso on flat earth than even on abortion. Credibility gets destroyed real quick with it. People get extremely irate with it real quick.

It’s a very interesting thing, considering how irrelevant it pragmatically is, but if it’s something that we should engage with, it’s far, far deeper down the rabbit hole. Gonna be fun if/when we get there, though.

It’s a wise decision to not discuss it right now. I don’t get the chemtrails the same way, as I’ve heard people on all sides of the aisle noticing this one, but I try to be humble enough to admit that maybe I’ve got a blind spot, here.

And that was four paragraphs to say, “good call!”


AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

The judicial system is corrupt because we don’t demand trial by jury or invoke right to a speedy trial, and because we allow the judge to judge the cases rather than merely convene the cases, and because we don’t know about nullification or judging the law.

Among other things, I’m sure.

The judges should have much less power than they do. The true power of the court is the empowerment of the citizens toward the law and Justice.

The Bible’s commands towards “judge not” and “false witness” may very likely be referring to conduct relevant to real courts and not our current fake statutory slave courts.

Quite frankly, though, we have a good bit of work to do on the population at large to be able to handle these responsibilities. Lots of people can’t even be bothered to wear pants in public. Philosophical nuances of guilt or innocence against long running property rights and criminal tresspass judgments are going to be beyond most people for a while.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s hard to shine light on things if you ignore them, though.

You may be right, though. This is a very important question, and everyone needs to answer it for themself.

We could also take this as “one more person we need to make sure doesn’t get back into a position of authority.”

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone pointed this out to me here very recent.

Had it validated after that from a completely different angle that has a high degree of being valid.

Worth making a mental note of this. It’s likely real and significant.

“Idumaeans” sure seems to read a lot like “Judeans” or “Jews”, too. Real easy to mix that one up with Judahites, or “Jews” and overload the term to create a lot of really useful confusion.

AmateurExpert -1 points ago +2 / -3

Seems like an excellent potential summary. We’ll see if it holds up.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +6 / -4

Sounds like there are multiple groups clumped under the term “Jews” with at least one of them using the term for camouflage to hunt the others.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apologies for the “13” comment before. This is the clarification that was needed toward that one. (Though I tend to think Palestinians aren’t the “real inhabitants”, either)

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +4 / -1

I tend to think it’s the Jordanians, too, for a very specific set of reasons that I’m not going to mention.

AmateurExpert 4 points ago +4 / -0

“Get your Venn diagramming ready, cause you’re gonna need an advanced pedigree in it.”

AmateurExpert 5 points ago +5 / -0

It sickens me to know that I was one of the few growing up who would try to treat actual mentally handicapped people like humans worthy of respect and dignity (don’t run into many these days), and yet [they] would happily get me banned from society if they could for calling a normal person a “retard” for engaging in “retarded” behavior so that [they] can get the word removed from usage to hide the fact that [they] knowingly created a huge number of mentally handicapped people through administration of known poisons, prenatally.

Matthew 18:6.

AmateurExpert 0 points ago +1 / -1

Imagine arresting former presidents without established precedents when they’ve been calling you a psychopathic dictator for 10 years.

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