124 Impeached Secretary Mayorkas and Zuckerberg. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 169 days ago by BerlinWallCrosser 169 days ago by BerlinWallCrosser +124 / -0 11 comments download share 11 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
So who is going to jail here????
Should be both.
When I think of what a reptilian in a human suit would look like, I envision Mayorkas. "Hello, fellow humans..."
Well, that explains his mouth and lack of chin.
He seriously reminds me of my wife's pet toad.
yep, just waiting for his snakey tongue to flick out and catch a fly.
Censorship on FB started long before 2021, so who asked him to censor before then or did he just think to do it by himself?
Now we need to get Zuck and Myorkis in the same room with the congressional committies and see which one is the acutal liar. Once it is sorted out then one of them needs to be lead to the gallows for lying under oath.
Zuk is full of shit, I got banned from FB for posting the truth about Covid so don't tell me that your "teams didn't agree"!
Is Mayorkas the face of a demon or what?
You always agreed suckerberg