79 Before and After Satan - Brazilian Justice Alexandre de Moraes who ordered the freezing of Starlink’s Assets in Brazil appears to have been normal and kind-looking at one time. What happened to him? (media.scored.co) posted 207 days ago by catsfive 207 days ago by catsfive +79 / -0 22 comments share 22 comments share save hide report block hide replies
It's all in the eyes, he's sold his soul.
mind control parasites
From Clark Kent to Lex Luthor.
Began drinking Adrenochrome?
I watched something last night & it was said that "ozempic face" that many "celebrtities" now have is really caused by a lack of adrenochrome.
He took the Blue Pill.
He became a commie
Why do all the bad guys look like Bond villains?😂
Evil leaves a mark.
Is it the same guy?
The thirst for power corrupts you and changes you physically.
First photo shows him with ordinary mouth, mean eyes. Second shows him delighting in evil.
Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde.
Like many prominent people, I believe the original is killed and they make a clone which holds a demon soul.
The corruption of Power
Moreas has the same look as any typical abortion doctor.
Chubby cheeks, weak chin. Probably hurt by a cheerleader in college, went full retard in law school.
Just needs a coupla horns to complete the transformation.
It's sort of like looking at James Carville when he is off on one of his TDS screeds.
He’s fully committed to his role
I suppose Stalin and Adolf looked normal at one time but the old saying "Power corrupts" is very telling in the windows to the soul!
Lips don’t look the same. Eyes in the pic on the left are blank, on the right like the devil.