There will be 7 years of complete terror before He returns. All those that believe in Jesus and look for His coming will not experience those times. Hosea said in his book Jesus would return after 2 days---a day is like a thousand yeas to the Lord--so if Jesus ascended after His resurrection in 30AD, we are pretty darn close to His return to get His Bride! Come Lord for we are all waiting anxiously!
Hos 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
I appreciate your comment. My point is all these fantasies about how wonderful the world is going to be after Trump wins the election, aka DS/NWO being destroyed, corruption rooted out, health, peace, prosperity for all, are not going to happen on earth untill Jesus reigns.
I do look forward to the pendulum swinging the other way, from where we are currently all over the world and pray for a better world and great spiritual awakening, I don't have any illusions about things being "perfect".
Unless Trump is the anti christ and for 3.5 years the world is going to see peace and prosperity to be followed by betrayal and 3.5 years of great tribulation. In that case, I look forward to the rapture shortly after the election.
I don't think Trump is the Antichrist since he calls on the name of God and praises Jesus but it is going to someone that is a great orator, one that has no desire of women----yeah, queer----so that eliminates Trump. The Jews will accept his as the Messiah so he will probably be a Jew from the Middle East---maybe Iraq or Syria. I hope and pray all my brothers and sisters in Christ are ready!
Obama? I think Harari fits the bill. He is a queer Jew that speaks of a one world government while saying we all become gods thanks to AI and technology. Whether the Jews would accept him as the Messiah is another thing. The Bible does call the Antichrist the Assyrian so he may come from that area.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I think Jesus is coming very quickly. Be right w/ God no matter what. I do think we have passed a tipping point that there is no way back from. I think going forward the choice to know the truth is choosing God or devil. There is no riding the fence, you are eating from one table or the other. The choice to know is yours.
On the 7th day He rested. Seven thousand years to create what many believe was in 7 man days?
The first day took a thousand years to separate the light and darkness. Which lead to…
to God time does not exist but to give it a value. 1000 man years = 1 God year. Makes us wonder other such things like dinosaurs are giants? A whole hidden planet we are in.
Jesus returned 2000 ish years ago. That is only 2 days for God.
No, it's only 3 1/2 years. The first half of the 7 years are peaceful with a leader universally loved, and who protects Israel. Then he receives a head wound from which he come back evil, and becomes the antichrist. Head wounds do that sometimes. Then comes the great tribulation.
3.5 years after the Rapture will not be peaceful for Christians. They will be peaceful for the Jews and all those that follow the Antichrist. The Christians (those left behind) will have to give their lives for their faith in Jesus. The first 3.5 years, while the 2 Witnesses are preaching, Christians will be wiped off the face of the earth and then the Antichrist will kill the 2 Witnesses. Then the wrath of God will be poured out on those left on the earth according to Revelation.
Jesus already returned after AD70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. They had the tribulation (under Nero), they had the desolation of abominations, the faithful ran for the hills and Jesus returned to destroy the Roman empire and set up his Kingdom for a millennial reign of 1000 years. Now we are in Rev 20:7, where Satan has been released for a short season to deceive the nations.
Amillenialism says that Jesus' reign is spiritual only, not concrete, real. I believe it has actually happened, that we had 1000 years of Him conquering evil and giving the world peace. I think the cabal have covered it up and lied about our history. You can prove it from scripture, but the signs are also all around us once you start looking. Some call it Tartaria, but it wasn't a secular, beningn empire, it was specifically Christian. And we are not taught about it at all.
" that we had 1000 years of Him conquering evil and giving the world peace."
When was the world at peace? The thousand years after 70AD where some of the bloodiest in history. When the "government" took over the church under Augustine, it wasn't prudent to teach that Jesus was coming back and set up His Kingdom on earth and rule the corrupt governments of the world with a rod of iron since THEY were the corrupt government! So they took the Bible and said all this was an allegory and Jesus was ruling in our hearts! THIS makes God out as a liar. Gabriel promised Mary that her Son would sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem. THAT has not happened yet.
There will be 7 years of complete terror before He returns. All those that believe in Jesus and look for His coming will not experience those times. Hosea said in his book Jesus would return after 2 days---a day is like a thousand yeas to the Lord--so if Jesus ascended after His resurrection in 30AD, we are pretty darn close to His return to get His Bride! Come Lord for we are all waiting anxiously!
Hos 6:2 After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
7 years of Terror....
As if these past three don't directly qualify as Years of Terror???
Ya ain't seen nothing yet!
K3Ks in Ranged Scope....
I appreciate your comment. My point is all these fantasies about how wonderful the world is going to be after Trump wins the election, aka DS/NWO being destroyed, corruption rooted out, health, peace, prosperity for all, are not going to happen on earth untill Jesus reigns.
I do look forward to the pendulum swinging the other way, from where we are currently all over the world and pray for a better world and great spiritual awakening, I don't have any illusions about things being "perfect".
Unless Trump is the anti christ and for 3.5 years the world is going to see peace and prosperity to be followed by betrayal and 3.5 years of great tribulation. In that case, I look forward to the rapture shortly after the election.
I don't think Trump is the Antichrist since he calls on the name of God and praises Jesus but it is going to someone that is a great orator, one that has no desire of women----yeah, queer----so that eliminates Trump. The Jews will accept his as the Messiah so he will probably be a Jew from the Middle East---maybe Iraq or Syria. I hope and pray all my brothers and sisters in Christ are ready!
'no desire of women' doesn't that speak to someone we know?
Obama? I think Harari fits the bill. He is a queer Jew that speaks of a one world government while saying we all become gods thanks to AI and technology. Whether the Jews would accept him as the Messiah is another thing. The Bible does call the Antichrist the Assyrian so he may come from that area.
I agree with a lot of what you are saying. I think Jesus is coming very quickly. Be right w/ God no matter what. I do think we have passed a tipping point that there is no way back from. I think going forward the choice to know the truth is choosing God or devil. There is no riding the fence, you are eating from one table or the other. The choice to know is yours.
On the 7th day He rested. Seven thousand years to create what many believe was in 7 man days?
The first day took a thousand years to separate the light and darkness. Which lead to…
to God time does not exist but to give it a value. 1000 man years = 1 God year. Makes us wonder other such things like dinosaurs are giants? A whole hidden planet we are in.
Jesus returned 2000 ish years ago. That is only 2 days for God.
No, it's only 3 1/2 years. The first half of the 7 years are peaceful with a leader universally loved, and who protects Israel. Then he receives a head wound from which he come back evil, and becomes the antichrist. Head wounds do that sometimes. Then comes the great tribulation.
3.5 years after the Rapture will not be peaceful for Christians. They will be peaceful for the Jews and all those that follow the Antichrist. The Christians (those left behind) will have to give their lives for their faith in Jesus. The first 3.5 years, while the 2 Witnesses are preaching, Christians will be wiped off the face of the earth and then the Antichrist will kill the 2 Witnesses. Then the wrath of God will be poured out on those left on the earth according to Revelation.
Jesus already returned after AD70 when Jerusalem was destroyed. They had the tribulation (under Nero), they had the desolation of abominations, the faithful ran for the hills and Jesus returned to destroy the Roman empire and set up his Kingdom for a millennial reign of 1000 years. Now we are in Rev 20:7, where Satan has been released for a short season to deceive the nations.
Amillennialism is a false doctrine. Jesus has not ruled with a rod of iron for a thousand years. That is yet future.
Amillenialism says that Jesus' reign is spiritual only, not concrete, real. I believe it has actually happened, that we had 1000 years of Him conquering evil and giving the world peace. I think the cabal have covered it up and lied about our history. You can prove it from scripture, but the signs are also all around us once you start looking. Some call it Tartaria, but it wasn't a secular, beningn empire, it was specifically Christian. And we are not taught about it at all.
" that we had 1000 years of Him conquering evil and giving the world peace."
When was the world at peace? The thousand years after 70AD where some of the bloodiest in history. When the "government" took over the church under Augustine, it wasn't prudent to teach that Jesus was coming back and set up His Kingdom on earth and rule the corrupt governments of the world with a rod of iron since THEY were the corrupt government! So they took the Bible and said all this was an allegory and Jesus was ruling in our hearts! THIS makes God out as a liar. Gabriel promised Mary that her Son would sit on the throne of David in Jerusalem. THAT has not happened yet.