I'm now watching the debate and I keep seeing Kumstain's constant facial contortions like she has Tourette's or something. So far it does not look like she had good composure at all, and these "moderators" are ridiculous.
But, and this is a pretty big but to me; she seemed more polished than normal-doesn't mean she said anything substantial-she didn't-but she made nothing sound much better than she normally does/did! I hope fence riders on the election of Harris or Trump see this for what it was and side with Trump.
America is a failing country, as he said.
I'm now watching the debate and I keep seeing Kumstain's constant facial contortions like she has Tourette's or something. So far it does not look like she had good composure at all, and these "moderators" are ridiculous.
Agreed! But, and this is a pretty big but to me; she seemed more polished than normal-doesn't mean she said anything substantial-she didn't-but she made nothing sound much better than she normally does/did! I hope fence riders on the election of Harris or Trump see this for what it was and side with Trump. America is a failing country, as he said.
It seemed as though she was more polished because she rehearsed the answers...obvious to me that she knew the questions ahead of time.
I found her facial contortions off putting...she came across as smug knowing that the moderators were going to carry her during the "debate".
Maybe the volume level was set too high on her "smart earrings."
She still reminds me of the Joker every time she does that awful fake grin.
She laughs like a sociopath just like the Joker too. But the shitlibs insist that it's "joy" instead of nihilism.