TDS is very real. They would rather see this country burn then to vote for the right person. You can do an awful lot to make your own reality anything you want. I have done it myself through the years with different things. It's so easy to lie to yourself and buy in.
They're not stupid. Much like us they span the entire range of intelligence levels. Most are simply so hopelessly addicted to the false virtues of globalism, that any threat to that is met with violent cognitive dissonance. To accept Trump isn't a dangerous liar would mean their entire world view must collapse. This is the true meaning of the precipice, and we're not there yet. Not sure what Trump et. al. have planned to break the programming, but it better be something more than what they've done so far.
He is racist, which means he is Hitler, which means anyone else is better
He is sexist, therefore wants to make women property and remove all equality, and therefore anyone is better
Hates conflict, therefore his propensity to fight is loathesome
Is a cabal agent
Is illegal, or has a close friend or family member they think would be deported
Is a sex criminal and fears what might be coming
Any other options? The opposition isn’t natural. All I can think of is either some fear of justice or media brainwashing and high agreeability. What else?
Presumably a mix. Some naive, and don't know the facts, others have internalized the Trump hate deep enough that they will fight anything that might prove them wrong because they don't want to be wrong. And some somewhere inbetween those, with a bit of both.
We have straight up morons in this society.Between the propaganda the lack of a education based in reality, poison air,food,water all to dumb people down contributes to the lack of comprehension. That,s the deal. Thank God for the Awakening and using Trump to lead. WWG1WGA<NCSWIC
I have massive problems with the "social" "sciences," especially "psychology." But it thought it would be fun to see what Psychology Today had to say about this very very good question.
A Fragile Ego Leads to Attempts to Distort Reality
Some people have such a fragile ego, such brittle self-esteem, such a weak "psychological constitution," that admitting they made a mistake or that they were wrong is fundamentally too threatening for their egos to tolerate. Accepting they were wrong, absorbing that reality, would be so psychologically shattering that their defense mechanisms do something remarkable to avoid doing so—they literally distort their perception of reality to make it (reality) less threatening. Their defense mechanisms protect their fragile ego by changing the very facts in their mind, so they are no longer wrong or culpable.
Another place I thought of to look--Ted Kaczynski's "manifesto," in which he traced out the liberal/left mindset so well. E.g.:
“It is obvious that [leftists] are not cool-headed logicians systematically analyzing the foundations of knowledge. They are deeply involved emotionally in their attack on truth and reality.”
The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it.
And finally:
Leftists may claim that their activism is motivated by compassion or by moral principles, and moral principle does play a role for the leftist of the oversocialized type. But compassion and moral principle cannot be the main motives for leftist activism. Hostility is too prominent a component of leftist behavior; so is the drive for power. Moreover, much leftist behavior is not rationally calculated to be of benefit to the people whom the leftists claim to be trying to help. For example, if one believes that affirmative action is good for black people, does it make sense to demand affirmative action in hostile or dogmatic terms?
Obviously it would be more productive to take a diplomatic and conciliatory approach that would make at least verbal and symbolic concessions to white people who think that affirmative action discriminates against them. But leftist activists do not take such an approach because it would not satisfy their emotional needs. Helping black people is not their real goal. Instead, race problems serve as an excuse for them to express their own hostility and frustrated need for power.
TDS is very real. They would rather see this country burn then to vote for the right person. You can do an awful lot to make your own reality anything you want. I have done it myself through the years with different things. It's so easy to lie to yourself and buy in.
...valid observation...
They're not stupid. Much like us they span the entire range of intelligence levels. Most are simply so hopelessly addicted to the false virtues of globalism, that any threat to that is met with violent cognitive dissonance. To accept Trump isn't a dangerous liar would mean their entire world view must collapse. This is the true meaning of the precipice, and we're not there yet. Not sure what Trump et. al. have planned to break the programming, but it better be something more than what they've done so far.
...the voice of reason coming from the wilderness...
...carry on...
...doggy winks...
I cannot figure it out, either. Some options:
Any other options? The opposition isn’t natural. All I can think of is either some fear of justice or media brainwashing and high agreeability. What else?
...compelling addendum, nicely stated and framed...
Presumably a mix. Some naive, and don't know the facts, others have internalized the Trump hate deep enough that they will fight anything that might prove them wrong because they don't want to be wrong. And some somewhere inbetween those, with a bit of both.
We have straight up morons in this society.Between the propaganda the lack of a education based in reality, poison air,food,water all to dumb people down contributes to the lack of comprehension. That,s the deal. Thank God for the Awakening and using Trump to lead. WWG1WGA<NCSWIC
And have smol PP! 🤣
There are TDSers who are willing to die to keep Trump from getting back in.
...valid observation...
I have massive problems with the "social" "sciences," especially "psychology." But it thought it would be fun to see what Psychology Today had to say about this very very good question.
Another place I thought of to look--Ted Kaczynski's "manifesto," in which he traced out the liberal/left mindset so well. E.g.:
And finally: have a firm grasp of the situational reality...