I’m sorry but I just can’t get behind hate and I don’t agree on everything Trump tweets. I don’t see how this will favor our side in any way. The other side (Biden camp) proclaims unity while our side spurs hate?! Hate is for evil - not the puppets who are possessed by it. They need our prayers more than ever. So imo instead of saying you hate someone - pray for them. 🙏
While I agree on this and am too awaiting for the purpose of this tweet to come to light I still will not be repeating or agreeing with his tweet. If it was truly an emotional response to Swift I think he should apologize and perhaps explain his hate is towards what she stands for and not her personally. Otherwise I guess there’s the chance it could be a risky 5D chess move on his part. Time will tell. ♟️
All Trump’s tweets are deliberated among his peers in a Socratic method, and Scavino is the main one typing the tweets. General Kellogg testified to this in J6 hearings. There is military strategy behind each one, to which we aren’t privy. While none of this is known to us as fact, I’m inclined toward thinking GEOTUS doesn’t tweet anything emotional and off-the-cuff. It all has meaning after rigorous debate.
SaltyArmyAnon, you have to remember that DJT HAS ALL INTEL.........think about that......ALL INTEL . He knows who is setting him up to "take him out". He knows who is killing and trafficking children.........He is privy to things that would keep you and me up at night. His main objective is to SAVE THE CHILDREN and if one statement like this about Ms Swift might trigger her in reveal things she knows, then let's allow him to handle this the way he sees fit. I think you will agree that he knows thousands of things that we have no way of knowing. DJT never makes a random statement.......he has a strategic reason for every public thing he says. He has enough trouble without his supporters pouncing on him also. Give him a break. Of all we know, she is a white hat working behind the scenes and just the fact that DJT comes out "against" her could be of help to her in her roll if in deed she on the "good" side.(which I very much doubt.)
They preach it, so on the surface they at least do. Every thinking person knows they are insincere, but the electorate is mostly made up of those who do not think.
I’m talking about this instance. Right now liberal media has these talking points to advantage with Bidens unity and Trumps Hate. That was my only point. Other than that yes I agree they are the party of Hatred.
Pretending like there's no fire won't stop it from eventually burning you down. Their "unity" is fraud, they're the ones who speak with a jagged tongue. Saying you don't like someone is ok. We have no idea why he said it, but there's obviously a reason.
I can agree on that. Perhaps it’s just calculated collateral damage and we have to accept his strategies in order to win this invisible war. My point is we don’t need to all become haters too. Since we don’t understand it we should remain quiet on the matter and definitely not honor or repeat any hate. We can still support him despite disagreeing or not understanding everything he does. It could be a mistake or could have been a strategy. I lean towards the latter. Everyone is allowed mistakes but if that’s the case I hope he comes out to apologize and correct his statement. Otherwise I’ll have to assume like you that it’s all part of the plan and just laugh at his boldness to say something so unhinged as this which is likely to cause a small earthquake in the liberal camp. 🤣
It looks like the President's hate for Taylor Swift is going to be the narrative this week. Time to fire up those memes.
I’m sorry but I just can’t get behind hate and I don’t agree on everything Trump tweets. I don’t see how this will favor our side in any way. The other side (Biden camp) proclaims unity while our side spurs hate?! Hate is for evil - not the puppets who are possessed by it. They need our prayers more than ever. So imo instead of saying you hate someone - pray for them. 🙏
While I agree on this and am too awaiting for the purpose of this tweet to come to light I still will not be repeating or agreeing with his tweet. If it was truly an emotional response to Swift I think he should apologize and perhaps explain his hate is towards what she stands for and not her personally. Otherwise I guess there’s the chance it could be a risky 5D chess move on his part. Time will tell. ♟️
All Trump’s tweets are deliberated among his peers in a Socratic method, and Scavino is the main one typing the tweets. General Kellogg testified to this in J6 hearings. There is military strategy behind each one, to which we aren’t privy. While none of this is known to us as fact, I’m inclined toward thinking GEOTUS doesn’t tweet anything emotional and off-the-cuff. It all has meaning after rigorous debate.
SaltyArmyAnon, you have to remember that DJT HAS ALL INTEL.........think about that......ALL INTEL . He knows who is setting him up to "take him out". He knows who is killing and trafficking children.........He is privy to things that would keep you and me up at night. His main objective is to SAVE THE CHILDREN and if one statement like this about Ms Swift might trigger her in reveal things she knows, then let's allow him to handle this the way he sees fit. I think you will agree that he knows thousands of things that we have no way of knowing. DJT never makes a random statement.......he has a strategic reason for every public thing he says. He has enough trouble without his supporters pouncing on him also. Give him a break. Of all we know, she is a white hat working behind the scenes and just the fact that DJT comes out "against" her could be of help to her in her roll if in deed she on the "good" side.(which I very much doubt.)
They do nothing but spew hate.
They preach it, so on the surface they at least do. Every thinking person knows they are insincere, but the electorate is mostly made up of those who do not think.
Don't know why you got down voted, but I gave you a vote to balance it out
I’m talking about this instance. Right now liberal media has these talking points to advantage with Bidens unity and Trumps Hate. That was my only point. Other than that yes I agree they are the party of Hatred.
It doesn't matter at this point. Military is in control. Harris is controlled. It's all a show to wake up the public.
Pretending like there's no fire won't stop it from eventually burning you down. Their "unity" is fraud, they're the ones who speak with a jagged tongue. Saying you don't like someone is ok. We have no idea why he said it, but there's obviously a reason.
I don't either, but it is a way for the President to control the narrative.
I can agree on that. Perhaps it’s just calculated collateral damage and we have to accept his strategies in order to win this invisible war. My point is we don’t need to all become haters too. Since we don’t understand it we should remain quiet on the matter and definitely not honor or repeat any hate. We can still support him despite disagreeing or not understanding everything he does. It could be a mistake or could have been a strategy. I lean towards the latter. Everyone is allowed mistakes but if that’s the case I hope he comes out to apologize and correct his statement. Otherwise I’ll have to assume like you that it’s all part of the plan and just laugh at his boldness to say something so unhinged as this which is likely to cause a small earthquake in the liberal camp. 🤣
We know why he hates Taylor Swift, and it is because of the endorsement.
Agree. Trump's tweet comes off pithy, immature, and spiteful. I'm not getting behind this one bit.