Wrong. This word feeds the psy op that the right hates immigrants.
Immigration is a LEGAL process. Therefore if one is an immigrant, one is here LEGALLY, having gone through the LEGAL process.
The right wing is not "weird" or "radical". We're the boring, normal people, remember? The mundane, binary, heteronormative, patriarchal, normal-haired, go to church, get married and have children we don't rape and sell, law-and-order types, remember? We like legal. So, we like immigrants. We have the best immigrants, don't we folks?
Migrants, trespassers, invaders, replacers, border-jumping criminals,...these we detest, marginalize, ostracize, and reject. But only because humans are, like all other primates, territorial. Some [commies] may not like this fact, but I notice they still have walls and fences where they live.
NOT immigrants...INVADERS!
Illegal invaders at that!
That old double whammy!
Wrong. This word feeds the psy op that the right hates immigrants.
Immigration is a LEGAL process. Therefore if one is an immigrant, one is here LEGALLY, having gone through the LEGAL process.
The right wing is not "weird" or "radical". We're the boring, normal people, remember? The mundane, binary, heteronormative, patriarchal, normal-haired, go to church, get married and have children we don't rape and sell, law-and-order types, remember? We like legal. So, we like immigrants. We have the best immigrants, don't we folks?
Migrants, trespassers, invaders, replacers, border-jumping criminals,...these we detest, marginalize, ostracize, and reject. But only because humans are, like all other primates, territorial. Some [commies] may not like this fact, but I notice they still have walls and fences where they live.
Language mean something. This might be considered a psyop in itself.
Ever here of the Mere Exposure Effect?
These are not invaders, the are mere immigrants.
Fun sticky decision. I am glad our mods have a sense of humor. I guess they have to have, dealing with the rest of us.
I LOVE 'gallows' humour!
Immigrants are people who follow the law and the process.
Immigrants are not wetbacks.