If that was only how it worked. Instead, flower be damned, you wind up paying for hair, food, vehicle, recreation, phone and better housing then you could afford for yourself for the ex while she uses her own money on vacations and accessories, because she'll be damned if she gets a job and loses any piece of that child support. all while you get less then half of the rights to the child, while still being expected to pay for the childs needs as an aside to the support order.
No bitter experiences here..nope..not bitter at all...
I don't think he should be subjected to entrapment. So not if he didn't want a child to begin with. This is nothing more than slavery. There's too many women gaming the system having kids they don't want for child support. This encourages them to have more kids - their kids wind up being criminals and threats to society. The government doesn't belong in marriage or our personal lives. Period. The only way this ends is to stop child support and stop welfare. People (women especially) need to be held accountable for their poor choices. Tax payers should have to fund the lifestyles of people who don't want to work. The only way to solve this is to get rid of welfare and child support.
I think, according to Democrats, pregnancy is a woman's health issue, like a cold, the flu, or a mild fever, so they don't know how women get pregnant and they want the woman to be able to abort the baby whenever they don't want it. So apparently, the women (mainly democrat women) don't know what causes pregnancy-so they won't be able to stop it; just make the male in the equation responsible for the baby.
They should force the payee to document where that money went. I paid child support and maybe 10% went to the kid. The rest went to beer, cigarettes, drugs, etc..
My dad didn’t pay one dime in child support for me. I attended college one class at a time. Why should any parent get by without financially supporting their child?
It's not the govt's decision that's why. Marriage is church-related not a govt contract. If one parent doesn't want to support the child - CHOOSE BETTER.
The child doesn't have a choice in abortion either, so? The best scenario is women not have unprotected sex with stray men with no use of contraceptives and expect the public and the man who didn't ask for it - to pay for her bad choices. She chose to have sex. He didn't choose for her to get knocked up and become a parasite.
About time. Now get rid of forced child support.
IDK, you spill the seed, you ought to pay for the watering of the flower, huh?
If that was only how it worked. Instead, flower be damned, you wind up paying for hair, food, vehicle, recreation, phone and better housing then you could afford for yourself for the ex while she uses her own money on vacations and accessories, because she'll be damned if she gets a job and loses any piece of that child support. all while you get less then half of the rights to the child, while still being expected to pay for the childs needs as an aside to the support order.
No bitter experiences here..nope..not bitter at all...
Just need to see the receipts of what that water bill actually cost -- don't need to be paying for the neighbor's water bill, too.
The women don't have to provide proof of their bills in this state, though.
Yeah, that's a problem, but ...
"Fraud vitiates every thing." -- US v. Throckmorton
You have no clue what youre talking about. Cs is corrupt to the core. As is divorce court. Men are walking atm’s and thats it.
Especially in this state.
I don't think he should be subjected to entrapment. So not if he didn't want a child to begin with. This is nothing more than slavery. There's too many women gaming the system having kids they don't want for child support. This encourages them to have more kids - their kids wind up being criminals and threats to society. The government doesn't belong in marriage or our personal lives. Period. The only way this ends is to stop child support and stop welfare. People (women especially) need to be held accountable for their poor choices. Tax payers should have to fund the lifestyles of people who don't want to work. The only way to solve this is to get rid of welfare and child support.
I think, according to Democrats, pregnancy is a woman's health issue, like a cold, the flu, or a mild fever, so they don't know how women get pregnant and they want the woman to be able to abort the baby whenever they don't want it. So apparently, the women (mainly democrat women) don't know what causes pregnancy-so they won't be able to stop it; just make the male in the equation responsible for the baby.
How can this be expected? They don't even know what a "woman" is.
They should force the payee to document where that money went. I paid child support and maybe 10% went to the kid. The rest went to beer, cigarettes, drugs, etc..
The system is clearly biased towards women and in particular morally bankrupt women.
BTW, Rick W. on Youtube teaches how to deal with that issue.
My dad didn’t pay one dime in child support for me. I attended college one class at a time. Why should any parent get by without financially supporting their child?
It's not the govt's decision that's why. Marriage is church-related not a govt contract. If one parent doesn't want to support the child - CHOOSE BETTER.
Well, the child doesn’t have a choice.
The child doesn't have a choice in abortion either, so? The best scenario is women not have unprotected sex with stray men with no use of contraceptives and expect the public and the man who didn't ask for it - to pay for her bad choices. She chose to have sex. He didn't choose for her to get knocked up and become a parasite.