A few days ago I posted that the Teamsters are polling their members to see who they should support for president. This is the result of that poll.

Teamsters, and most other unions, are always left-leaning and always support leftist political candidates. I never understood it.
Unions are a communist idea to start with.
That's what makes this such a big deal. They rarely, if ever, endorse Republican candidates.
Here's a fun fact: May first (May Day) is International Worker's Day. Communists hold May 1st as a special day because that's the day Adam Weishaupt officially started the Bavarian Illuminati which eventually morphed into the Communist parties among other things.
Thanks for sharing about Weishaupt, I found this to be an interesting read.
If you have the time I highly recommend reading the book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion".
One of the reasons for this are conservatives don't believe government nor any organized group has the right to tell others how to live. No matter the size or scale, fundamentally that's what these groups do. Decides how it will be for everyone else.
Just as pedos flock to children. The liberal will flock to other peoples money, and levers of control.
But you are right that we must wake up to the fact, to protect ourselves, we must get involved. We got to get our hands dirty.
Yep. The only thing Union did for people was slave them more and turn them into Communists plus their goal was to get money from the suckers (me/past tense though) who work for the governments of the world. Meaning they are bad to the core, they do not fight for nobody, they get people in trouble.
I didn’t join these unions, I was forced to join these creeps good for nothing because the government got the money out of our paychecks want it or not. Thanks God DeSantis got rid of the payment that it was going directly from workers to these creeps. Now nobody wants to join in Florida. They are begging people to join them, no more money for them.
Edit: free shit.
The people on top have agendas. They aren't elected. Same shit applies to unions. People paying dues get scraps
Union MEMBERS may be overwhelmingly for Trump, but I bet the "Union" will endorse Kamabala. Paid-off commies at the top.
Follow the money
Because mafia types have corrupted the Democrat party AND unions for well over 100 years.