I am not making excuses but Germany did have reason to dislike many Jewish people. It was Baron Rothschild who managed to organise the entry of the USA into WW1 in return for Palestine. It was a meeting at Versailles after WW1 that determined how Germany should suffer after WW1. Some say the negotiators were over-represented with Jewish people.
Between the wars, the German financial system collapsed. Loaves of bread cost trillions of marks. People were paid twice a day to keep up with inflation. Who ran German finances? The Jewish people came out and declared a business war on Germany in those years.
Was the Six Million holocaust number a fact or is there more to it?
The history of most German concentration camps was written by the predominantly Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR after WW2 because they occupied those lands.
If Jews were expelled from 1020 countries over time then that is not all the fault of the Third Reich. What is the common factor?
As the six million figure is so prevalent in articles about Jews why should that particular one be believed? Was it ever meant to be an accurate figure or is it used in the same way we might say "five minutes"?
OK, there were concentration camps. Were they all death camps? Wasn't the famous chimney at Auschwitz actually built by the Soviets after the war? isn't there a sign at Dachau pointing out that, despite earlier thoughts, the showers were just showers? Isn't Zyklon B just used for delousing? My local hospital has cremation facilities but that does not make it a death camp.
How many died from Typhus rather than anything more sinister? How might you dispose of the many bodies after a Typhus outbreak?
All those pictures of starving prisoners, were they starved on purpose or was there just no food in the last months of the conflict?
Many of the camps were labour camps and the US backers of the Nazi regime benefitted from that cheap labour.
I try to keep an open mind. I understand that all generalisations are never completely accurate, however:
What is the common factor?
The people to be expelled must have been identifiable in some way. How else would you know who to expel? We know that money-lending practices have been deprecated since at least 750 AD in England so maybe that is why they were disliked. Money-lenders in the temple, anyone?
The six million is probably not accurate.
I agree but I think it is most likely too high an estimate. Did you not read the pdf I linked with many other references to six million? Were they all accurate or just that one? No, six million is a magic number to Jewish people. That is the number that have to die before they achieve their Israel.
Concentration/death camps?
All the ones with tattooed numbers survived. Famous "victims" like Anne Frank (whose father forged some of her diaries) died of typhus. How many died of disease or natural causes? None? All gassed? Really? Why is it that the famous death camps all were in the Soviet sector? Coincidence or propaganda from a Jewish-led organisation who were following ideas from a Jew? Bolsheviks and Marx.
Typhus is preventable.
If every preventable disease were actually prevented the world would be a better place.
dragooned into labor camps
I can see why Germany thought it had a "Jewish Problem." They lost WW1 because of Jews; they suffered draconian reparations largely because of Jews; they suffered a civil uprising after WW1 led by Jews; they had financial war formally declared on them by Jews. As now, their media, porn industry, banks, financial institutions are all run by Jews and the financial sector went to pot but Germany realised that usury was holding them back and diverting all the money into the hands of Jews. Maybe they thought that they would be better locked up?
And, if labour camps were so bad, why were American Jewish financiers happy to make money from them?
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Because the 6 million number was obviously exaggerated. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time, and many had already fled with the rise of Hitler.
Since then they've already revised their numbers several times, and they keep bringing the total number lower. The official numbers now only show that it was somewhere around 4.5 million Jewish lives lost. Which is funny that they keep lowering it, why did they LIE to begin with?
I am not making excuses but Germany did have reason to dislike many Jewish people. It was Baron Rothschild who managed to organise the entry of the USA into WW1 in return for Palestine. It was a meeting at Versailles after WW1 that determined how Germany should suffer after WW1. Some say the negotiators were over-represented with Jewish people.
Between the wars, the German financial system collapsed. Loaves of bread cost trillions of marks. People were paid twice a day to keep up with inflation. Who ran German finances? The Jewish people came out and declared a business war on Germany in those years.
Then we realise that Hitler attended a lecture on finance and he decided to change the direction of German finances when in power.
Now add in the questions we are not allowed to ask:
Just adding onto your points, check this out…
antisemite is a made up word, and if it was even a real word it should also extend palestinians (since they are semites) but it doesnt, cause, jews.
its literally a word specifically for the jewish semites, and its racist as fuck
I am not making excuses just stating facts.
If Jews were expelled from 1020 countries over time then that is not all the fault of the Third Reich. What is the common factor?
As the six million figure is so prevalent in articles about Jews why should that particular one be believed? Was it ever meant to be an accurate figure or is it used in the same way we might say "five minutes"?
OK, there were concentration camps. Were they all death camps? Wasn't the famous chimney at Auschwitz actually built by the Soviets after the war? isn't there a sign at Dachau pointing out that, despite earlier thoughts, the showers were just showers? Isn't Zyklon B just used for delousing? My local hospital has cremation facilities but that does not make it a death camp.
How many died from Typhus rather than anything more sinister? How might you dispose of the many bodies after a Typhus outbreak?
All those pictures of starving prisoners, were they starved on purpose or was there just no food in the last months of the conflict?
Many of the camps were labour camps and the US backers of the Nazi regime benefitted from that cheap labour.
This is all very true. This is common knowledge.
Oh boy I get to share this again!
I try to keep an open mind. I understand that all generalisations are never completely accurate, however:
The people to be expelled must have been identifiable in some way. How else would you know who to expel? We know that money-lending practices have been deprecated since at least 750 AD in England so maybe that is why they were disliked. Money-lenders in the temple, anyone?
I agree but I think it is most likely too high an estimate. Did you not read the pdf I linked with many other references to six million? Were they all accurate or just that one? No, six million is a magic number to Jewish people. That is the number that have to die before they achieve their Israel.
All the ones with tattooed numbers survived. Famous "victims" like Anne Frank (whose father forged some of her diaries) died of typhus. How many died of disease or natural causes? None? All gassed? Really? Why is it that the famous death camps all were in the Soviet sector? Coincidence or propaganda from a Jewish-led organisation who were following ideas from a Jew? Bolsheviks and Marx.
If every preventable disease were actually prevented the world would be a better place.
I can see why Germany thought it had a "Jewish Problem." They lost WW1 because of Jews; they suffered draconian reparations largely because of Jews; they suffered a civil uprising after WW1 led by Jews; they had financial war formally declared on them by Jews. As now, their media, porn industry, banks, financial institutions are all run by Jews and the financial sector went to pot but Germany realised that usury was holding them back and diverting all the money into the hands of Jews. Maybe they thought that they would be better locked up?
And, if labour camps were so bad, why were American Jewish financiers happy to make money from them?
Can you answer for this then?
You can’t click on a link retard?
Got it, you’re misdirecting the convo and refusing to answer to all the evidence to the contrary I’ve provided.
You’re full of shit and you know it.
6 Million figure is a complete exaggeration. The so called homicidal death chambers never existed. All the people that died in the camps died from typhus, starvation, dysentery, and other causes. which probably amounted to a few hundred thousand, not millions like the holohoax purveyors claim.
Because the 6 million number was obviously exaggerated. There weren't even that many Jews in Germany at the time, and many had already fled with the rise of Hitler.
Since then they've already revised their numbers several times, and they keep bringing the total number lower. The official numbers now only show that it was somewhere around 4.5 million Jewish lives lost. Which is funny that they keep lowering it, why did they LIE to begin with?