Vance recently stated that the natural gas in Pennsylvania could supply the world with 500 years worth of gas. I thought this seemed a little too high :)
Here is what I found:
Global Gas Consumption 132,290,211 million cubic feet per year (from, or ~132 trillion cubic feet
Pennsylvania has approximately 200 trillion cubic feet of gas in the ground.
Therefore, PA gas could supply about 1.5 years of global natural gas consumption.
If this calculation is off, please correct, but it looks like Vance needs to back off on his 500 year claim, or the media will go to town with it.
Without knowing his reasons.. my logic says that the gas regenerates pretty fast. Gas is NOT dinosaur guts. It's a natural resource that renews itself. There is not a finite amount of gas in the ground. It's endless and regenerates. So the argument is ridiculous to begin with since there is NEVER a danger of running out of gas. EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS A LIE.
Yep, LNG and petroleum are by products of the off-gassing of the planet. The "scarcity" theory is fictional.
The calculation is right. Pennsylvania's reserves are 1.5 years of global natural gas consumption.
In fact, the world now has 6,923 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven gas reserves as of 2017. That is enough to supply the earth, at current usage rate, for 52 years.
Pennsylvania has nearly 3% of the earth's total proven natural gas reserves.
I think what JD Vance is saying is that the natural gas reserves in Pennsylvania are much more than the current discovered reserves.
I think some of the gases will self regenerate once extracted. Any geologist’s knowledgeable about this?
I'm an old school geologist (BS in geology in 1980), and tend to believe that MOST hydrocarbon reserves ARE associated with organic sediments deposited a long time ago (now rock, like the Marcellus Shale). I believe it's possible some hydrocarbon deposits are not associated with organic processes. The amount in the PA shale deposits is apparently a very, very, small quantity when compared to the global use (that's if the various internet sources of this information are correct).
Thanks for the info!
Global consumption is 132 million Cubic feet...correct? "or ~132 trillion cubic feet" means the 132 mill equates to 132 trillion in the ground?
Let's start there. How does 132 million global consumption translate into 132 trillion? Maybe you ought to share that formula with us.
132.3 million millions
Look again, it's 132,290,211 million.
I see. My bad. If accurate, that's a lot of gas! And if so, to your point, perhaps Vance should post his source data. Could be the deposit estimate he is using is different.
My mom missed out on this once already. Refused to allow them to drill for gas on her land but the neighbor is a millionaire now.