Notice to all patriot sheriffs in the USA. It is within your power to do so....If you wish to deploy, the time is now!! There are many of us out here requiring your leadership.
Federal government, including FEMA, has absolutely NO constitutional authority within the 50 States, other than the ENUMERATED powers in Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-16.
Sheriffs in this country have not been trained to understand their authority, and should start arresting and kicking out all fed employees.
Governors and legislators around the country need to start the process of de-activating ALL federal government money received.
THAT is the problem. Feds offer money to the States (unconstitutionally), and the States accept it because they don't want to be the "bad guy" that has to raise taxes or cut spending. Free gibs from the feds gets them off the hook, politically, but the feds have strings attached to that money.
This is why the States act like puppets of the feds, when it is the feds who bow to the States, who bow to the People.
Those strings are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
The People need to hold their government(s) accountable, but the People don't have a damn clue on how to do it, or even that they can.
Start by demanding that ONLY politicians who can DEMONSTRATE that they understand the Constitution should be allowed into office. Then, hold them accountable once they are in.
Members of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, headed by Sheriff Richard Mack ( are well aware of their Constitutional authority, and proud to act upon it whenever necessary.
Feel free to introduce any and all LEOs to this organization. They're the good guys.
Notice to all patriot sheriffs in the USA. It is within your power to do so....If you wish to deploy, the time is now!! There are many of us out here requiring your leadership.
Federal government, including FEMA, has absolutely NO constitutional authority within the 50 States, other than the ENUMERATED powers in Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-16.
Sheriffs in this country have not been trained to understand their authority, and should start arresting and kicking out all fed employees.
Governors and legislators around the country need to start the process of de-activating ALL federal government money received.
THAT is the problem. Feds offer money to the States (unconstitutionally), and the States accept it because they don't want to be the "bad guy" that has to raise taxes or cut spending. Free gibs from the feds gets them off the hook, politically, but the feds have strings attached to that money.
This is why the States act like puppets of the feds, when it is the feds who bow to the States, who bow to the People.
Those strings are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
The People need to hold their government(s) accountable, but the People don't have a damn clue on how to do it, or even that they can.
Start by demanding that ONLY politicians who can DEMONSTRATE that they understand the Constitution should be allowed into office. Then, hold them accountable once they are in.
Members of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, headed by Sheriff Richard Mack ( are well aware of their Constitutional authority, and proud to act upon it whenever necessary.
Feel free to introduce any and all LEOs to this organization. They're the good guys.
I pray for you, friend. I'm sorry you're in the brunt of the corruption and evil. Hang on, we are with you.