I'm sick to my stomach over this. I live 90 minutes from the damage zone. I have had multiple conversations with friends and friends of friends who have been up in the carnage helping.
NC says 94 dead. This is 100% BS.
9 Reefer trucks at Hickory airport with bodies stacked like cordwood - that could be several thousand bodies alone.
Report that one coroner has 1,200 bodies in one county alone.
Radio calls overheard one for 800 bags and the other at an airport for 1000 lbs of bags (payload quantity).
Some may have seen the story of one woman who lost her whole family of 11. What the article didn't say, was that there were 40 other homes in her holler. She was the only survivor.
These stories could go on and on. The real number is 10,000-20,000. Gov. Cooper controls the information which gets released. He's keeping a lid on the disaster.
I just want to keep this on the top of people's minds as we go through daily life.
A hurricane that travels 850 miles inland and drops flood waters at 2,000 ft above sea level.
FEMA that confiscates generators and other aid
Helicopter pilots who intentionally destroy rescue centers
Rope, we will need lot of rope.
6,683'. Highest point in NC. Mount Mitchell. Burnsville north and Black Mountain south by 15 miles. 48" of rain. Everything ran down from there.
I heard they let water out of the damns as well and that also caused a flash flood. Any validity to this?
Not to my knowledge. There was concern about some dams overtopping or giving way, but didn’t happen. One dam had water cut around it. The big dam on Lake Norman hit the record level and they opened 3/11 sluices and there was some minimal flooding below but all the dams held.
Viewing the carnage from east Tennessee, I also heard that Gov. Cooper today talked about "misinformation" about FEMA, that they are doing a SWELL job, and advises people to quit spreading "rumors" that FEMA is falling down on the job. Sounds like he protesteth too much.
Well he is a Demonrat after all.
I don't doubt OP's info. I live in Upstate SC and growing up I spent a lot of time with my grandfather on the rez (Qualla Boundary). For years I've been all over those mountains and there are a lot of people that live(d) up there. Many small towns that from what I'm hearing have been wiped out. Lots of rescuers have been talking about the stench of death and some of the stranded people they are finally reaching have been burying family members and neighbors in their yards.
Hey neighbor, upstate SC as well.
Cool! Good to meet you, SuzyeQ. Did the hurricane cause you any problems?
Lost power for 3 days, and knocked a few trees down, but not on the house. What a blessing that was. 👍
That's good. Pretty much the same here. Lost some massive oaks around the yard and power was out from Friday until Wednesday. No damage to the house.
That’s good. As long as trees don’t hit the house I’m good with that, and I have 2 huge pecan trees right at the house. My squirrels would be so disappointed.
That doesn't include the people buried under 20 feet of mud and debris. Thank God Trump is coming to #WNC tomorrow.
Thanks for reporting. God bless.
Please pray for them.
Keep reporting. This is the only news we get on WNC and ETN. We are the news. The war is real. This is a warzone that we will retake after the election and inauguration. The victims will be memorialized here. Now they are with Jesus.
How is it trump has said nothing
He visited Hickory just after the storm. And Ivanka flew there delivering Starlink panels.
Good question. I've seen Don Jr. on the ground. Trump can't go there because it will cause a TFR. I haven't listened to his speeches, so I cannot verify if he has/hasn't commented.
I heard some guys on YouTube talking about not being able to fly if important people visit. Trump asked and they said no. I believe this was Asheville
God bless you...I think you are brave for reporting TRUTH! Please KEEP us up on any and ALL news. We are, all in prayer and with broken hearts for EVERYONE hit by this dastardly evil manipulated monster. And by the storm too. xxoo
Its obviouslu being suppressed for political purposes. Just like running up the "covid" death numbers. Sickening. I hate these bastards
This is so heartbreaking and I'm praying everyday for the survivors of this total devastation. The survivor guilt will be overwhelming and they need mental health support for years to come. Also pray the truth will come out.💔🙏
Too many families would be speaking out.
The families are all gone.
Call me a contrarian, but I'm getting tired of all this talk of tens out thousands of dead with zero proof other than third hand information. I'm not saying they're not underreporting, in fact I'm sure they are. But for pete's sake SOMEONE would have posted a video or picture of these supposed thousands of filled body bags.
Some guy on here made a post about some hospital in Boon NC being filled with something like 2000 bodies with refrigerated trucks outside being full too and them running out of room for bodies.
But where's the freaking proof? I mean, come on guys, it's not THAT hard to take a freaking picture or video with a phone and post it to twitter or rumble or something, or heck, HERE!
You can't hide this level of supposed death, tens of thousands of bodies are not something you can hide. SOMEONE would have a single freaking picture or video of it by now. You can't just claim something like this off of third hand information because someone "on the ground" was told it by someone they know who lives there.
As I'm originally from the Virginia area right smack between the two areas and frequently traveled to both areas my entire life, yeah I know EXACTLY what the terrain is like.
As for the rest of your points, there's multiple videos on youtube of people asking those on the ground in places like Chimney rock about the "smell of death" and they're saying its all a lie, and pointing to the multiple freaking building sized pile of ruined propane tanks, which is on video, for the smell. Which is entirely true, propane smells just like a rotting corpse. And since you mentioned ashville, consider that most restaurants use gas stoves and have on site gas supplies, which would also add to the mix since methane doesn't smell much better.
I didn't say the death count wasn't higher than reported, I'm sure at least the first point you made is right, though I will contest it a bit since most of the mud has been removed at this point and locals on video on youtube aren't talking about mountains of bodies being found. However, everything else is pretty much wrong. SOMEONE, somewhere, would have broken protocol, and leaked videos or pictures of these bodies. And that's assuming you're correct about the military or police guarding them, but that also has several holes.
First of all the military isn't involved at all. That's one of the biggest controversies here, because biden won't let them get involved. The only military involved are state national guard from various states sent to help clean under governor's orders from their respective states. And they have basically zero authority to do anything other obey local sheriffs.
Which leads to the second hole in this police/military theory, the local police. Most local police, especially in NC, are VERY vocal about opposing the feds at this point, or are we just ignoring all of sheriffs threatening to arrest FEMA and other feds if they disrupt rescue and aid efforts? I doubt the people threatening to arrest the feds, would comply with some kind of conspiracy to hide tens of thousands of dead bodies.
You can try and argue this all you want, but we live in the 21st century, bigfoot rules don't work anymore. if you want to claim something like this you can't just use third hand accounts with zero evidence to back it up. Heck, even an audio recording of people "on site" with all the bodies talking about it would be SOMETHING but we don't even have that. Just people who keep repeating stories from unnamed third party sources with zero proof other than "trust me bro".
Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. I'm absolutely certain the total death count is higher, but I'm not believing this mess of every hospital in Western NC and East TN being filled to the brim with bodies (the latter I know is a lie as I was in several hospitals in the area recently) until some kind of proof surfaces other than someone on the internet saying "trust me bro" when there are literal videos of actual people on the ground saying otherwise on youtube and everywhere else.
"Which is entirely true, propane smells just like a rotting corpse": Propane smells nothing like a rotting body/animal.
"since most of the mud has been removed at this point": hardly any of the mud has been removed, except on some roads. You had entire mountainsides collapse and sweep hollers into the river or the tributary creeks which are now re-routed thanks to new banks of 30' of sludge.
"somewhere, would have broken protocol, and leaked videos": Don't bank on that. Look at Harvest Festival. The lid has been kept on those videos. And most of these folks don't have cell/internet. I will incorporate that factor into my analysis, however.
"First of all the military isn't involved at all.": I'm seeing reports of 82nd ABN being deployed. I think there is a limited number of Marines being deployed too. I've also read numerous reports of them not dropping supplies or doing S&R. For the most part, the NCNG is doing most of the work.
"I doubt the people threatening to arrest the feds, would comply with some kind of conspiracy to hide tens of thousands of dead bodies." All of their information is mostly local. I'd guess by this point most LE are up and running on Starlink and/or satphone. We're not privy to the chatter, so that remains open to debate. They are still in a recovery position, exiting the rescue phase. They may not have even had time to confab and compare notes.
"Just people who keep repeating stories from unnamed third party sources with zero proof other than "trust me bro".": As a former analyst I keep an eye out for "circular reporting". All the 1st hand info I'm receiving is matching up with random, non-repeating accounts from what I see online. A lot of my intel is coming in via firsthand accounts. One of my friends was the security detail for Sara Carter on her videos and he was boots on the ground 4-12 days after impact. I don't do "trust me bro". I'm fusing credible sources with HUMINT and comparing to OSINT. None of the firsthand accounts are people who have a reason to lie and the YT sources from people running missions don't seem to have a motivation to misinform.
"every hospital in Western NC and East TN being filled to the brim with bodies": I didn't make that claim either. What I am saying is that when you look at the magnitude of the event, and pair it with the processed information, it's easy to quantify that number of deaths. A 53' reefer can hold about 1,500 bodies alone. Even if I'm 80% wrong, we could be looking at 2-4,000 souls lost. Yet state of NC says 94 or whatever.
Don't under estimate the magnitude of what happened in a 1,000 year event. Since you're familiar with the AO, you know how many hollers there are with 50-200 people all over the region. No time to evacuate. Landslides of 20' wall of mud and debris with no warning, working it's way down 4-6,000' mountains with tremendous velocity.
I'm waiting to see satellite imagery of it. You should be able to see the slide paths and overlay the .KML onto a map and that will give you an idea of how many hollers were disappeared.
The absence of proof isn't proof of the opposite. We do have videos claiming thousands of dead. You're just choosing to believe your sources instead of others. That's fair. In your world we may as well stop sending any aid, everyone's fine! Sounds nice and comfy where you are. You're also functionally retarded if you think most of the mud has been removed. Seriously, retarded.
Alright post a single video showing thousands of dead bodies and I'll retract my statements. And most of the mud HAS been removed from the actual towns and cities, how else do you think they're starting recovery and rebuilding.
Also nice jump in logic saying we should stop aid, your words not mine moron. In all honesty I think more people are going to die due to government interference than from the actual flood. ID, lack of aid to cancer patients, diabetics, the elderly, etc.
But sure, put words in my mouth I never said because I pointed out a lack of evidence for any of these claims, whose the retard exactly?
Dammit. 10-20k new demonrat voters.