they all have personal axes to grind that explain their politics
Don't forget all the walking wounded females who are instinctively driven to look for/mate with chads...who never got born because their chadly ancestors were selected for genocide in the war drafts of 1917 to 1965.
Agree overall but wouldn't call it a "s--- test." More a genetic/ancestral scream for the mating/partnership patterns they are structured to seek/want/need. Maybe we're saying the same thing though.
Since men in my paternal line fathered children into their 40s, my grandparents 20-30 years older than among my early GenX cohort. I look at my grandparents, and could see how there were formerly widespread expectations in place among them that had fallen apart by the 1960s and even 1950s. (E.g., my parents were OK with divorce; my GPs absolutely rejected it. My older siblings were OK with birth control and sex before marriage; my parents absolutely rejected it. People my age were OK with all sorts of degeneracy; I was at odds with all of it. I was more like my GPs than like people my age.)
By the time people my age were looking to establish adult lives in the '70s and '80s, "deindustrialization" had already happened, the productivity powerhouse areas of the Northeast and South were shredded, and those making the big decisions decided the economy would run on Tech, numbers games (finance, insurance, real estate), and Permawar/MIC.
When I hit the grow-up market in the '80s, mortgages were at 18%, there were no jobs except in Reagan's pinstriped marauders sector, and it was war war war (good growing weather for the House of Rothschild). The marriage market was scrambled because of population disruption in our ancestral areas. The newer imports were shorter, uglier, stupider, and more prole. (They were the cheap labor of wartime industry.) People of my stock had either gotten out (minority of them) or been obliterated in martial or economic conflict.
And as Amateur says below, it's next to impossible to get people to see history in any frame other than the (((Hollywood and MSM))) one. WW1 and WW2 were righteous wars where the good guys won. Never mind the absolute holocaust of Germans and Russians. Never mind Lend-Lease, pouring support into Bolsh in the USSR, and the ignoring of the tens of millions slaughtered by communism. Never mind these two wars going hand in glove with forcing all nations into a global central banking scheme. But now I'm just saying what we all already know.
My GF, father, and paternal uncles were America First Republicans, so I got a very different sense of history from them. I learned I wasn't allowed to talk about this in school/college later. In the '80s I lived in a tension between wondering if my fathers had been wrong, but seeing that the new messaging was...somehow wronger. It took till the internet, in the early '90s, to be able to sort this all out in company of similar experienced people on the new alternative newsmedium of the internet.
Side by side with that, an endless stream of propaganda was delivered to kids born from about 1935 on, about what life was supposed to be about (consumerism and Following Your Bliss). Generational dividers blame "Boomers" for Hart-Celler and Civil Rights...but the oldest "Boomers" weren't even old enough to vote in national elections by then. They inherited that racial romanticism from "Silents" and "Greatest" and older...herded by propagandists who played on their sense of guilt during their respective wars. (Those who survived military service were frequently massively traumatized, and kept it all in. A potent source of psychic tension for the propagandists to reach into.)
I have seen the vast majority of women I've known staggering around, punch drunk, doing what they were told would make for a happy life, but in a downspiral of confusion and disappointment.
I knew it was bad, but I didn't know how bad it was till January of 2017--the "women's" "march" in DC. Women who demanded not to be sexually objectified...dressing up as genitals (and some "men" too)...infuriated to see the very type of man they yearned for--tall, blonde, blue eyed, successful, wealthy, handsome--but could not find...rising to CEO of the republic's executive branch.
They effectively were demanding he take them as war trophies, because he vanquished their Queen. All those signs saying "Grab this," etc. were an incredible blackpill for me. The sexual spectacle.
We all carry a comet tail of experience and pain and confusion that lights up electrically in the presence of certain suns. But one thing is for certain: when men abrogate their leadership role for cheap thrills, it can only degrade themselves, and the women they interact with. This is by design.
One last thing. For about 18 months my work took me to San Francisco's Financial District. I lived as far from there as I could manage on my schedule and budget. My overwhelming impression of that time was how, at every "festival" dedicated to sexual degeneracy and demonism...the vast majority of attendees...were white men.
Go to the Zombietime blog. Look at the photo galleries of things like "Pride," and Folsom Street Fair, and Up Your Alley. I can't even look at that stuff anymore without wanting to vomit, so can't link it for you.
I always felt that those "festivals" were not celebrating what they claimed to be celebrating. "Liberation," etc. They were gloating triumphal events of the GloboSatan, reveling in the destruction of white men after a massive genocidal effort reaching back to 1913. And look at how those degenerate men embraced the death cult of "HIV/AIDS" as presented to them by Pharma.
Yes., Women’s biological programming is to shit test,, but in earlier times the stakes were lower. Since the 19th amendment, they can vote for the destruction of civilization and see which men have the balls to protest. So solipsistic.
During the pussy hat march, I don’t think that many of them were pining for Trump. They were more likely flattering themselves. Maybe some stupid ones thought the GEBP statement was about violating random women, but most of them knew that was bullshit and that the statement was really about groupies/ fame chasers consenting to the sexual expression of famous men. So the disingenuous ones, seemingly the majority of pussy hat marchers, used this intentional misinterpretation to imply that their own sexuality was tempting men to violate them. lol wishful thinking
I’ve been trying to open peoples’ eyes to that genocide, but since their hisssstory books didn’t frame it that way, they won’t look at it with their own eyes.
Don't forget all the walking wounded females who are instinctively driven to look for/mate with chads...who never got born because their chadly ancestors were selected for genocide in the war drafts of 1917 to 1965.
This harkens back to the hypothesis that modern leftism is a female shit test that many western men have failed
Agree overall but wouldn't call it a "s--- test." More a genetic/ancestral scream for the mating/partnership patterns they are structured to seek/want/need. Maybe we're saying the same thing though.
Since men in my paternal line fathered children into their 40s, my grandparents 20-30 years older than among my early GenX cohort. I look at my grandparents, and could see how there were formerly widespread expectations in place among them that had fallen apart by the 1960s and even 1950s. (E.g., my parents were OK with divorce; my GPs absolutely rejected it. My older siblings were OK with birth control and sex before marriage; my parents absolutely rejected it. People my age were OK with all sorts of degeneracy; I was at odds with all of it. I was more like my GPs than like people my age.)
By the time people my age were looking to establish adult lives in the '70s and '80s, "deindustrialization" had already happened, the productivity powerhouse areas of the Northeast and South were shredded, and those making the big decisions decided the economy would run on Tech, numbers games (finance, insurance, real estate), and Permawar/MIC.
When I hit the grow-up market in the '80s, mortgages were at 18%, there were no jobs except in Reagan's pinstriped marauders sector, and it was war war war (good growing weather for the House of Rothschild). The marriage market was scrambled because of population disruption in our ancestral areas. The newer imports were shorter, uglier, stupider, and more prole. (They were the cheap labor of wartime industry.) People of my stock had either gotten out (minority of them) or been obliterated in martial or economic conflict.
And as Amateur says below, it's next to impossible to get people to see history in any frame other than the (((Hollywood and MSM))) one. WW1 and WW2 were righteous wars where the good guys won. Never mind the absolute holocaust of Germans and Russians. Never mind Lend-Lease, pouring support into Bolsh in the USSR, and the ignoring of the tens of millions slaughtered by communism. Never mind these two wars going hand in glove with forcing all nations into a global central banking scheme. But now I'm just saying what we all already know.
My GF, father, and paternal uncles were America First Republicans, so I got a very different sense of history from them. I learned I wasn't allowed to talk about this in school/college later. In the '80s I lived in a tension between wondering if my fathers had been wrong, but seeing that the new messaging was...somehow wronger. It took till the internet, in the early '90s, to be able to sort this all out in company of similar experienced people on the new alternative newsmedium of the internet.
Side by side with that, an endless stream of propaganda was delivered to kids born from about 1935 on, about what life was supposed to be about (consumerism and Following Your Bliss). Generational dividers blame "Boomers" for Hart-Celler and Civil Rights...but the oldest "Boomers" weren't even old enough to vote in national elections by then. They inherited that racial romanticism from "Silents" and "Greatest" and older...herded by propagandists who played on their sense of guilt during their respective wars. (Those who survived military service were frequently massively traumatized, and kept it all in. A potent source of psychic tension for the propagandists to reach into.)
I have seen the vast majority of women I've known staggering around, punch drunk, doing what they were told would make for a happy life, but in a downspiral of confusion and disappointment.
I knew it was bad, but I didn't know how bad it was till January of 2017--the "women's" "march" in DC. Women who demanded not to be sexually objectified...dressing up as genitals (and some "men" too)...infuriated to see the very type of man they yearned for--tall, blonde, blue eyed, successful, wealthy, handsome--but could not find...rising to CEO of the republic's executive branch.
They effectively were demanding he take them as war trophies, because he vanquished their Queen. All those signs saying "Grab this," etc. were an incredible blackpill for me. The sexual spectacle.
We all carry a comet tail of experience and pain and confusion that lights up electrically in the presence of certain suns. But one thing is for certain: when men abrogate their leadership role for cheap thrills, it can only degrade themselves, and the women they interact with. This is by design.
One last thing. For about 18 months my work took me to San Francisco's Financial District. I lived as far from there as I could manage on my schedule and budget. My overwhelming impression of that time was how, at every "festival" dedicated to sexual degeneracy and demonism...the vast majority of attendees...were white men.
Go to the Zombietime blog. Look at the photo galleries of things like "Pride," and Folsom Street Fair, and Up Your Alley. I can't even look at that stuff anymore without wanting to vomit, so can't link it for you.
I always felt that those "festivals" were not celebrating what they claimed to be celebrating. "Liberation," etc. They were gloating triumphal events of the GloboSatan, reveling in the destruction of white men after a massive genocidal effort reaching back to 1913. And look at how those degenerate men embraced the death cult of "HIV/AIDS" as presented to them by Pharma.
Yes., Women’s biological programming is to shit test,, but in earlier times the stakes were lower. Since the 19th amendment, they can vote for the destruction of civilization and see which men have the balls to protest. So solipsistic.
During the pussy hat march, I don’t think that many of them were pining for Trump. They were more likely flattering themselves. Maybe some stupid ones thought the GEBP statement was about violating random women, but most of them knew that was bullshit and that the statement was really about groupies/ fame chasers consenting to the sexual expression of famous men. So the disingenuous ones, seemingly the majority of pussy hat marchers, used this intentional misinterpretation to imply that their own sexuality was tempting men to violate them. lol wishful thinking
I’ve been trying to open peoples’ eyes to that genocide, but since their hisssstory books didn’t frame it that way, they won’t look at it with their own eyes.