Agreed.. need more context to believe that bullshit. Nobody would condense a story so heart wrenching into something so nondescript that one simply cannot envision how any of it happened.. Like.. there's a guy trapped in mud for over a week and he stayed alive because his head is sticking out.. and his wife and kids were stuck in a mud bubble under him? ya right..
Wow you all are finally getting it. When I was telling everyone to be careful with all those bullshit stories I was getting downvoted and banned had to create a new one. How ridiculous is that now it turns out I was right.
I had the same thought. I’ve learned here over and over get a source and double triple check it. On the other hand it could be true because things are that bad. My second thought was, I know they didn’t leave the dad in the mud to die. I’m following this person that’s been helping in WNC, he posted this. His other posts seem legit. He & wife are on scene helping out.
This was in the caption: * The amotitiof people that get mad at me for posting what I've seen first. hand, instead of getting made at the media and the government that has been flat out lying to them, is A inconceivable:? STORY FROM missing? @LIVEZEYSTEPHANIE ON TIKTOK)*
Wow you all are finally getting it. When I was telling everyone to be careful with all those bullshit stories Asheville I was getting downvoted and banned had to create a new one. How ridiculous is that now it turns out I was right.
This is a good example to use. The way the left does is a recipe that has a percentage of truth and added lies to create emotion to ready the fields for weeds of confusion.
2 Cor 5:7 — feelings are not to lead the way one goes, but faith.
I would need to see this man explain this story and if this man exists and he felt his family trying to escape under mud it would have been a very tormenting time that would be minutes not days or hours.
This man could become a very might man in the depth of such a tragedy.
My leaning towards this being a real story is undetermined in my opinion. It seems alike the same emotions they seek when doing the George Floyd thing. These people are panicking and very intelligent.
There is millions/billions of sad stories that are real and never told, but God knows and vengeance belongs to God.
It's a disgusting premise but it could happen. That's the awful thing. Especially us with kids. But if this guy is doing first responder and he's doing this for clout, bbbaaaddd, if he's being truthful (which with that amount of people all scenarios are possible) then bless him. But really bless all these people that are trying to to live. I think any human would help honestly.
I pray this story isn't true. But if it is I don't blame him a bit. When you've lost everything including wife and children it is really hard to want to keep on living. Some people can only take so much. 'Life is a bitch and hell then you die' - someone said that at sometime.
It's possible for sure. Hurricanes can cause unthinkable tragedy.
Read many years ago a book about the 1901 hurricane that hit Galveston.
A train making a run from the island loaded with people swallowed by the surge.
People crammed into a lighthouse so much so that survivors recalled people drowning below them as the water level rose.
The towns meteorologist home destroyed and he rode out the waves on top one of the walls of his house only to find out his wife drowned trapped under it. Think his daughter also.
Been over 20 years, but this is best I can remember.
Am I supposed to believe that?
Agreed.. need more context to believe that bullshit. Nobody would condense a story so heart wrenching into something so nondescript that one simply cannot envision how any of it happened.. Like.. there's a guy trapped in mud for over a week and he stayed alive because his head is sticking out.. and his wife and kids were stuck in a mud bubble under him? ya right..
Wow you all are finally getting it. When I was telling everyone to be careful with all those bullshit stories I was getting downvoted and banned had to create a new one. How ridiculous is that now it turns out I was right.
Yep mods deleting my threads that Asheville has a bunch of democrat homos.
I had the same thought. I’ve learned here over and over get a source and double triple check it. On the other hand it could be true because things are that bad. My second thought was, I know they didn’t leave the dad in the mud to die. I’m following this person that’s been helping in WNC, he posted this. His other posts seem legit. He & wife are on scene helping out.
This was in the caption: * The amotitiof people that get mad at me for posting what I've seen first. hand, instead of getting made at the media and the government that has been flat out lying to them, is A inconceivable:? STORY FROM missing? @LIVEZEYSTEPHANIE ON TIKTOK)*
Wow you all are finally getting it. When I was telling everyone to be careful with all those bullshit stories Asheville I was getting downvoted and banned had to create a new one. How ridiculous is that now it turns out I was right.
Yep. Mods deleted my post about Asheville being a major gay haven.
Yep. 100 percent. Downvoters can't cope with the fake news and the typos.
I see TikTok logo bottom right. Also "bcuz" typo. Written by Chyna.
bcuz isn't a typo. and lots of people use tiktok to document their experience. assessment is severely lacking in logic
You sound like that guy who is on a one-man crusade to change "I" to "ayh," "because" to "bcz," and "should" to "shd."
Revel in the insanity.
i'm just acknowledging how real people type, especially when they're on a mobile device.
personally i don't know if i've ever said 'bcuz', and i'm on my phone all the time.
...but, that doesn't mean people who do use that shorthand are fake, or lying. if anything, it might even indicate a lack of pretense.
also, a typo is specifically when you hit the wrong key. not all misspellings are typos, and intentional contractions most certainly are not.
TikTok fakes as fucks. Find me the interview. Bcuz Chyna ownz it.
This was written by a 5th grader.
it was written by someone who uses shorthand. someone involved in a rescue operation would almost certainly be using shorthand. you really think "TikTok fakes as fuck" sounds better?
bcuz TikTok chynanese propgandaz
I dont believe that if they were under him in the mud they would have been dead in 15 minutes not days.
and if you're buried up to your shoulders you won't live for 15 minutes either. diaphragm don't work.
reading comprehension
They died three days before, that is why they stopped scratching.
That just brought me to tears and I don't cry.
Jesus, Please bring us healing and Justice! ✝️🙏💔😭
God Bless that poor man and may his family rest in peace. This is the saddest story I've read! It breaks my heart.
be thankful for what you have, people
Don't listen to TikTok lol.
i'll listen to anything that reminds me to give thanks.
Tiktoz Chynanese propazanda. I gives too fukx
This is the dumbest thing I've ever read
Yep. TikTok is fake shit
SO....more than 3 days without eating/ story bro...
This is a good example to use. The way the left does is a recipe that has a percentage of truth and added lies to create emotion to ready the fields for weeds of confusion.
2 Cor 5:7 — feelings are not to lead the way one goes, but faith.
I would need to see this man explain this story and if this man exists and he felt his family trying to escape under mud it would have been a very tormenting time that would be minutes not days or hours.
This man could become a very might man in the depth of such a tragedy.
My leaning towards this being a real story is undetermined in my opinion. It seems alike the same emotions they seek when doing the George Floyd thing. These people are panicking and very intelligent.
There is millions/billions of sad stories that are real and never told, but God knows and vengeance belongs to God.
It's a disgusting premise but it could happen. That's the awful thing. Especially us with kids. But if this guy is doing first responder and he's doing this for clout, bbbaaaddd, if he's being truthful (which with that amount of people all scenarios are possible) then bless him. But really bless all these people that are trying to to live. I think any human would help honestly.
I pray this story isn't true. But if it is I don't blame him a bit. When you've lost everything including wife and children it is really hard to want to keep on living. Some people can only take so much. 'Life is a bitch and hell then you die' - someone said that at sometime.
It's possible for sure. Hurricanes can cause unthinkable tragedy.
Read many years ago a book about the 1901 hurricane that hit Galveston.
A train making a run from the island loaded with people swallowed by the surge.
People crammed into a lighthouse so much so that survivors recalled people drowning below them as the water level rose.
The towns meteorologist home destroyed and he rode out the waves on top one of the walls of his house only to find out his wife drowned trapped under it. Think his daughter also.
Been over 20 years, but this is best I can remember.