A controversial new update in Fortnite, a popular game among children, now gives players the option to "sell their soul" to a demonic figure.
To unlock certain perks and access a specific character, players must navigate to the underworld section of the map and sacrifice their health.
This triggers an eerie animation where their character appears to strike a deal with the devil-like figure.
video 0:40
Never mess with the demonic, whether in a game or in real life.
haha i ordered a huge encyclopedia of demonology and read it cover-to-cover, several times over. name, sigil, and characteristics of many hundreds of known angels and demons.
i'm mostly over my occult phase. and i was very respectful during it... didn't make any demands or deals. just studied. but i definitely have some weird stuff rattling around upstairs.
“i definitely have some weird stuff rattling around upstairs.”
Sounds like it’s time to call in my boy Jesus Chris. He will clear that shit out like no other. Just the mere fact that you studies this could have opened a doorway for unclean spirits to enter. I did a lot of spiritual/new age studies for over a decade and I had no clue that I was opening my self up to the entire spirit world. I was so tormented that I had to call on the divine to bail me out. Jesus was the only one that’s been able to shut it out for good and will be there in a sec whenever I need him. Our Lord is Good and more powerful than any demon. 🙏
actually spiritually it's been a pretty smooth journey. i wasn't rejecting Christ, or seeking power. I was looking for a church at the time, but only because i was raised completely atheist and outside of the church.
took me a long time to start attending one, because they're all woke. but now i am very involved in an excellent ministry. i'm still homeless, but i mostly attribute that to coming from a very broken home. i still appreciate everything i learned from occult/spiritual/new age stuff, i just filter it all through the Bible.
so yeah, it's been a wild ride, but no, i don't feel harassed by demons at all. it's just kinda funny to have that stuff in my head.
Amen, the Lord is very very good.
Glad to hear that and I definitely agree knowledge is power. However our innocence seems to get lost in the process which is where our call for Christ comes in. Glad to hear you found him too. The spirit world is a scary place without him by your side. I pray for you fren to get (a) home soon. Homelessness is rough. It could definitely have something to do with mindset. I’m sure Christ will lead you to exactly where he needs you to be in his kingdom and in life. God is Good and God is Great 😊
same position but the only churches around me 100+miles that aren't woke/leftists all worship Israel as though their fate depends on it. Pretty sure Jesus wasn't talking about a bunch of eastern Europeans protecting degenerates and waging a blood lust war against all perceived enemies from a book they only started reading some 500-1000 years ago. Any advice would be appreciated
Knowledge is a good thing, but involving oneself with the demonic is not wise.
Christian families won’t buy the game for that reason.
kinda sounds like the beginning of a go-woke-go-broke arc.
[should parents know about this?] Yes. Yes, they should.
Sounds like mental grooming to me.
Beautifully put.
if fortnite were a fantasy RPG like diablo or something, i probably wouldn't question it.
especially in older style games that aren't constantly connected to the internet. this kind of choice would make sense from a role playing perspective.
but fortnite is a very social game, almost second-life-ish. no strong elements of theme or storytelling.
so yeah, this seems sus enough to consider abandoning the game over. if only to stop supporting companies that go out of their way to encourage that stuff.
Parents should already know about this, as they should be keeping tabs on what their kids are doing online. Most are too lazy or don't care enough to do that though.
Bruh, Fortnight is actually FILLED with Satanic symbolism. This isn't the first time or the last.
Parents who turn their children's minds and bodies over to ANY video games have ALREADY sold their souls to demons.
Children belong outside in God's beautiful sunlight and rain and snow with other children, learning, growing, moving their bodies, building things, falling out of trees, yelling, etc.
"Children belong outside in God's beautiful sunlight and rain and snow with other children, learning, growing, moving their bodies, building things, falling out of trees, yelling, etc."
Yeah that America has been dead for a couple decades at least. I appreciate the sentiment though.
Not for homeschooled families!
You have that choice as a parent. Cut the shit
Annual kidnapping/missing children in 2024 vs. 1994? Is it the same? Or has something gone terribly wrong?
I believe we're fighting to restore a safe society in this country, where kids can play and explore outside as they used to, not gaslight ourselves into believing that it still exists.
Sheltering kids is a symptom of a much bigger problem in this country. Blaming it on bad parenting while ignoring the root causes is an NPC take if I've ever heard one.
Yes, but You can choose if that America still exists in Your life. All the crap on tv and social can literally be turned off, if You choose. If you live in a dangerous area, then move. The much bigger problem you speak of is partially caused by soft men, raised by women.
Fleeing your neighborhood for a safer one is the brave endeavor of strong men?
The whole country is becoming the bad neighborhood, that's the entire point. Turning off social media and your TV doesn't change that fact.
You're advocating for burying your own head in the sand and playing pretend as a solution to living in a decomposing society that has made preying on its own citizens and their children common practice. It's a temporary arrangement that may save YOU the stress while condemning your children to the rot that will catch them, because eventually there will be no where left to hide.
Blaming parents for not raising their kids like it's 1955 when society is objectively worse by every metric is disingenuous and fails to address the root causes of WHY parenting has changed.
The whole country is not a bad neighborhood. This is where turning off the television comes in handy.
"if you live in a dangerous area, then move"
yeah, cuz that's always an option... especially in this freakin economy
Start a business. I did. You always have a choice.
ok, I'll start a business to save up 300k for a house right now
...and then have one more thing to worry about when I DO move
You can sell your soul to anything that you put before God. Be it video games, TV or really anything that you engage that doesn’t put God first. But remember that God is everywhere. He will use whatever he can for his own good. I don’t believe all video games are evil. They can actually be very educational in the modern world. However it’s easy for young minds to get addicted to technology. And addiction is one root of evil but doesn’t exist only in consumed media.
I see your point and don't entirely disagree.
At the same time I was trained to hack human brains using developmentally appropriate hacking techniques. Children were targeted especially--get them young, they're yours for life.'' I chose NOT to use those skills, but tried all my career to teach others what was being done to them, and how.
Maybe video games "can be educational," but they STILL hack the wetware of children, literally restructuring their brains for video input and a$$-sitting and hand twitching and amygdala hijack and dopamine storm. Once that structure is laid down in childhood/youth, it is fixed.
Our ancient ancestors confined this phenomenon--the shaman drama/the wetwar hack--to certain times and places, embedded in larger community life. But now the shaman drama (the cave wall) is increasingly the larger context, and people only step outside of it occasionally. Excusing that by saying, "Oh well, God can get inside of that too!" is imo a weak response. The strong response is to raise children outside of the influence of Satan, not to let him in and say, "Oh well, God is everywhere, so a little bit of Molochian drama can't hurt." But that's me.
I get your point and totally believe what you are saying. I don’t doubt it can restructure their brains and that’s likely why we see a lot of behavioral issues and add/adhd on the rise. Children that are on electronic devices have zero attention span. But is it even possible to deny children access to TV, video games and computers in the modern world we live in? Sure a few are doing it and raising kids the old fashioned way which I’m definitely in favor of but realistically what can be done for the rest of the kids short of complete ban or destruction of any and all electronic entertainment sources? My hope and prayers for them is that God will use it for good and any damage done to their brains can one day become undone. May not be the best solution to such a huge problem but I don’t see another for majority of today’s children. For those who are able to restrict and are awake to the truth I absolutely think they should do so.
I understand and mostly agree. Could probably agree 1000% except witnessing the malevolence of the people who do that stuff and LIKE IT (because all they care about is careers and money and such)...I guess I just need to get over it and be more trusting of Our Father.
Thanks, Salt, for your kind conversation and not taking offense. I just never had any idea how DELIBERATE this sort of thing was, till encountering it up close. As for "denying children access," I know people who very bigly restrict their kids' access and find other ways for them to interact. I always remember hearing, back in my years of circulating in various circles, how Gates, Bezos, and others did NOT allow their kids unrestricted access to the same mindbending technologies that they were scoring (for instance) billions in "school bonds" to give to every public school kid. I've told so many parents about that, so they kow that what is good for their kids, according to Tech elites, Tech elites hugely restrict for their own kids!
Can I ask what your job title was, just curious as to where this sort of thing goes on at the level that you’re talking about, “dopamine storm”…
My particular area of training was mass communications research methods...but this stuff is part of any setting where people study, research, or build programs in mass communications, social psychology, marketing communications, advertising, "persuasion research," public relations, and much more.
There are also IC fields, both government and private, that apply/develop these methods.
Every financial sector, industry, and business has a team that tries to figure out how to get people to do whatever they want people to do, to make their quarterly/annual numbers. Same with media. With tech (not just tech media, but also video games, consumer interfaces, etc.). With Pharma. With Big Ag.
Just a little example. The TV show "Sesame Street." It was explicitly designed by a TV network researcher (Joan Ganz Cooney) and a guy from the Carnegie Corporation (Lloyd Morrisett Jr) to figure out how to use TV to "teach" children. Look up the article
The Potential Uses of Television in Preschool Education. A Report to Carnegie Corporation of New York
Well, who was teaching what, and for what ends? Shouldn't learning come from families? Weren't we pouring tax dollars into schools? Were they failing? Why? Who were the kids in question?
As you read through that report, you can start to unpack the assumptions of Cooney (whose jewish dad was a banker) and Morrisett (whose dad, btw, was a rather shadowy figure at UCLA specializing in creating people with education degrees to build the Ed Biz around).
Over the years/decades what was learned from the earliest research, including Clooney's and Morissette's, was manifold. One example: a more granular sense of at what ages/developmental stages kids can learn what content and "develop media literacy skills" (i.e., be pulled into the mediated model).
For example it was realized early on that children up to age 2 aren't susceptible to mediated content. That was defined in the literature henceforth as "video deficit," with a lot of research focus going to how to grab kids as early as possible, with what means and methods, and keep their attention.
If people had any idea how extensive this mindf!ck industry is, and how much money, time, energy, etc., go into it, it would be Pitchfork Year. And now that Big Data and AI are in play, automating so much of the surveillance and analysis...well, it takes attention and effort to give one's family any experience of life outside the media BorgMatrix.
Thank you for responding, lots of good information. The kids less than 2 yo was new to me.
Yes. It's just stunning how cynically such things get parsed...then exploited. And then calling it a "deficit" in the infant--as though the NATURAL state of children is brain-melted to the godbox.
Kids under two actually believe whatever they see on TV or media is real. Their brains are not developed enough at that age to understand the difference. By age 5 their brains are 90% developed. The last 10% doesn’t complete until age 25.
Also just search on terms like
dopamine engineering media
The literature is massive, externsive, and what you're seeing is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what you'll never see.