I'm a former recovering libtard too, but I left (with extreme prejudice) in the mid-90s... lol. Then after 911 I was expected to like GW. What a shit show. That's when I stopped watching the tv.
I think TV was originally intended by God to be a great blessing, but it was, like so many other wonderful modern developments, infiltrated and abused to become a curse.
As always, its not the technology itself, but HOW we use it that counts.
Never went actual libtard, just far enough to get burned. (wouldn’t ever call any of them that to their face, because it’s counterproductive to producing righteousness, though it’s true)
I grew up in a family that while not fully tard, was generally left leaning. When I adopted faith as the center of my life and dedicated myself to God and humanity at the ripe old age of 18, I became the black sheep of the family.
The capacity to see the value in where most left-leaners are coming from is important. But in the advanced era we live in, evil has infiltrated almost every area and so the libtard hoards were born. Alas.
BB is pretty based... even for a former libtard. lol.
hey, its the formers who feel to the bone just how hoodwinked they were.
Ex-leftist here. I can't speak for other ex-leftists, but for me, you're absolutely right.
The grace of God is all the more keenly felt by a lost sheep who found its way home.
I'm a former recovering libtard too, but I left (with extreme prejudice) in the mid-90s... lol. Then after 911 I was expected to like GW. What a shit show. That's when I stopped watching the tv.
amazing how this simple step is so liberating.
I think TV was originally intended by God to be a great blessing, but it was, like so many other wonderful modern developments, infiltrated and abused to become a curse.
As always, its not the technology itself, but HOW we use it that counts.
Don’t forget us former libtard sympathizers!
Never went actual libtard, just far enough to get burned. (wouldn’t ever call any of them that to their face, because it’s counterproductive to producing righteousness, though it’s true)
I grew up in a family that while not fully tard, was generally left leaning. When I adopted faith as the center of my life and dedicated myself to God and humanity at the ripe old age of 18, I became the black sheep of the family.
The capacity to see the value in where most left-leaners are coming from is important. But in the advanced era we live in, evil has infiltrated almost every area and so the libtard hoards were born. Alas.