Your pay is labor capital not income. Labor capital is untaxable via 4th/5th Amendments as “individual property”. IRS intentionally misclassifies (fraud) via employer (compelled fraud). Correct your W-2 with IRS Form 4852 (Box 1 is correctly $0) and file 1040-X to get 100% of payroll tax back: Template here:
Get your request in to IRS as soon as possible to get in the queue. They are slow-walking refund checks 12-18 months and may have liquidity issues.
Correct. Pay given for labor is not "income"; you traded a piece of your life and physical body for that money. It was an even exchange; you didn't "make" any money. You had to trade something away for it. Yet they stole (confiscated) money from you.
In this way the American people are deliberately forced to drown perpetually in debt and to live a life of lack.
Capital gains are different. You invest some sweat equity, true; but then you can do nothing; yet you can make much more money than you had invested. This is wealth creation.
You nailed it. Artificial "price increase" via fiat printing creates the impetus for a "higher assessement" [property taxes and other fake "capital gains" taxes] in order to eventually take all your actual accumulated wealth/cash via continually higher and higher taxes with no actual increase in the actual value or utility of the underlying asset. This is why "money lenders" have been deported and banned from 171 countries in the last 1000 years for usury, theft, and oppression. I won't say the name because many are pretending and don't really worship God.
Your example of a house appreciating due to inflation and dollar devaluation is so completely different from, say, that of public companies increasing in value for stockholders because of making and selling products that improve people's lives as to constitute a different topic.
Still we agree that "the house is the same" is a true statement. ;)
Step 1: separate properly “labor capital” from actual income. Get all payroll taxes back.
Step 2: challenge jurisdiction of IRS “income collection” within sovereign state. They have none, AND it is specifically prohibited by “no direct taxation” clause of Constitution. IRS as representative of Fed gov’t can collect taxes only from sovereign states directly, except excise tax for occupations on excise tax list and from work performed on Federal Lands. (Most occupations not on list)
Step 3: opt out of all Federal programs including IRAs, 401ks, and Social Security (after full refund requested & collected). Participation in program is voluntary consent to taxation, i.e. “Terms of Service” include you agreeing to pay taxes, even if illegal and Unconstitutional.
Your pay is labor capital not income. Labor capital is untaxable via 4th/5th Amendments as “individual property”. IRS intentionally misclassifies (fraud) via employer (compelled fraud). Correct your W-2 with IRS Form 4852 (Box 1 is correctly $0) and file 1040-X to get 100% of payroll tax back: Template here:
Get your request in to IRS as soon as possible to get in the queue. They are slow-walking refund checks 12-18 months and may have liquidity issues.
Additional related links:
Correct. Pay given for labor is not "income"; you traded a piece of your life and physical body for that money. It was an even exchange; you didn't "make" any money. You had to trade something away for it. Yet they stole (confiscated) money from you.
In this way the American people are deliberately forced to drown perpetually in debt and to live a life of lack.
Capital gains are different. You invest some sweat equity, true; but then you can do nothing; yet you can make much more money than you had invested. This is wealth creation.
Capital gains are just an exchange, as well.
You buy a house and sell it at a higher price due to the inflation caused by the devaluation of the US dollar by the Federal Reserve money printing.
The house is the same. No wealth creation.
You nailed it. Artificial "price increase" via fiat printing creates the impetus for a "higher assessement" [property taxes and other fake "capital gains" taxes] in order to eventually take all your actual accumulated wealth/cash via continually higher and higher taxes with no actual increase in the actual value or utility of the underlying asset. This is why "money lenders" have been deported and banned from 171 countries in the last 1000 years for usury, theft, and oppression. I won't say the name because many are pretending and don't really worship God.
Your example of a house appreciating due to inflation and dollar devaluation is so completely different from, say, that of public companies increasing in value for stockholders because of making and selling products that improve people's lives as to constitute a different topic.
Still we agree that "the house is the same" is a true statement. ;)
Step 1: separate properly “labor capital” from actual income. Get all payroll taxes back.
Step 2: challenge jurisdiction of IRS “income collection” within sovereign state. They have none, AND it is specifically prohibited by “no direct taxation” clause of Constitution. IRS as representative of Fed gov’t can collect taxes only from sovereign states directly, except excise tax for occupations on excise tax list and from work performed on Federal Lands. (Most occupations not on list)
Step 3: opt out of all Federal programs including IRAs, 401ks, and Social Security (after full refund requested & collected). Participation in program is voluntary consent to taxation, i.e. “Terms of Service” include you agreeing to pay taxes, even if illegal and Unconstitutional.