I'm guessing you mean either a lot of stuffy and runny nose, or maybe other allergic reactions. But either way, I believe it's because the milk is facilitating your body's removal of accumulated crud. Using an antihistamine relieves the uncomfortable symptoms in the short term, but also leaves the crud in place, meaning that it's ready to cause more symptoms as soon as you stop the antihistamines. You have to power through and accept the symptoms for a time before they disappear. There are ways to do it slowly so the symptoms are less severe.
Since 2021 I have had severe reactions to high histamine foods. I refuse to go to the doctor as all they care to offer me is steroid shots and some new experimental medications. Basically my body breaks out in a horrible painful rash. I also get brainfog, fatigue, headaches and occasionally sneezing/stuffy nose. But my main issue that I can’t ignore is the rash. It’s starts off small on my hands but as I consume more high histamine foods it spreads. My entire arm at one point was burning with a large red rash and my skin alternated between being dry and weeping. I tried powering through but it only got worse. I do realize cleansing and eliminating parasites from the body can increase histamine levels but the food was defineret the biggest culprit. The only thing that helped at the time was to reduce the high histamine foods and histamine liberators (wine, broth, raw dairy, aged cheese, leftovers, citrus, tomato, shellfish etc) I also found a DAO supplement that worked pretty well and I take a Kidney supplements daily (also Dao) which helps break down the histamine. I’m now mostly over it but get the occasional itching and still have to be careful with consume high histamine foods. I can however tolerate them in moderation. Unfortunately the amazing raw milk cure has you drinking a gallon per day which is just too much histamine for my body to handle. Same thing happens when I go carnivore and eat a lot of red meat (most is aged at least a few weeks so again high histamine). It’s really a shame because I’ve found both the carnivore diet and the raw milk diet to be exceptional. Whatever Covid and the vax spiking did it has limited my body’s ability to process histamine. I’m learning to eat foods that can build up my tolerance again as some of it could have to do with nutritional deficiencies. Interesting enough meat is one of the things I need to consume to heal but I have to keep it moderation to avoid overload of histamines. There is a whole community on Reddit experienced the same symptoms and many say it’s started after Covid or call it a side effect from “long-covid”; https://www.reddit.com/r/HistamineIntolerance/
I had terrible breakouts of rashes and cured them by taking quercetin everyday and getting the right bacteria in the gut. Probiotics in the AM and quercetin, zinc and 15-20k D3 /day.
i had this weird rash that came about i think due to alcohol allergies that developed later on in life but even after I cut out alcohol it was still going on and didn't go away. Dermatologists just prescribed steroids which I didn't want to take forever. Acupuncture got rid of it after a few sessions.
I wish I had an easy answer for you. If you still suffer any symptoms from long covid, I suggest a nicotine patch for 2 weeks. I suggest it because it worked for me, although my symptoms were different. Also because it's quite safe, low cost and simple. The theory behind it is that the toxic part of covid reproduces not only within the body where the body can eventually handle it, but also in the gut's microflora, which then functions as a continual source of reinfection. This leads to your body constantly trying to clear it out. Nicotine interrupts its life cycle in both the body's own cells and the cells of the gut's microbiome.
For the rest, I think it might be worth checking out the intro page at https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/introduction/
I've found his theories to be correct in every instance that I've tested them. I found him after having rashes myself, and interpreting them as a herxheimer reaction, and looking up detox protocols to facilitate the elimination of the cause rather than treating the rash symptomatically. I proceeded with a slow detox and graduated up to his full protocol (SHP, for self-healing protocol). The rashes went away immediately and haven't come back. I've been following it for 7 months now, and have had improvements I didn't expect, like some clearing of age/liver spots, and supple healthy skin of my feet and hands where I used to routinely suffer eczema. Obviously do what works for you. Good luck.
What do you mean by "histamine issues?"
I'm guessing you mean either a lot of stuffy and runny nose, or maybe other allergic reactions. But either way, I believe it's because the milk is facilitating your body's removal of accumulated crud. Using an antihistamine relieves the uncomfortable symptoms in the short term, but also leaves the crud in place, meaning that it's ready to cause more symptoms as soon as you stop the antihistamines. You have to power through and accept the symptoms for a time before they disappear. There are ways to do it slowly so the symptoms are less severe.
Since 2021 I have had severe reactions to high histamine foods. I refuse to go to the doctor as all they care to offer me is steroid shots and some new experimental medications. Basically my body breaks out in a horrible painful rash. I also get brainfog, fatigue, headaches and occasionally sneezing/stuffy nose. But my main issue that I can’t ignore is the rash. It’s starts off small on my hands but as I consume more high histamine foods it spreads. My entire arm at one point was burning with a large red rash and my skin alternated between being dry and weeping. I tried powering through but it only got worse. I do realize cleansing and eliminating parasites from the body can increase histamine levels but the food was defineret the biggest culprit. The only thing that helped at the time was to reduce the high histamine foods and histamine liberators (wine, broth, raw dairy, aged cheese, leftovers, citrus, tomato, shellfish etc) I also found a DAO supplement that worked pretty well and I take a Kidney supplements daily (also Dao) which helps break down the histamine. I’m now mostly over it but get the occasional itching and still have to be careful with consume high histamine foods. I can however tolerate them in moderation. Unfortunately the amazing raw milk cure has you drinking a gallon per day which is just too much histamine for my body to handle. Same thing happens when I go carnivore and eat a lot of red meat (most is aged at least a few weeks so again high histamine). It’s really a shame because I’ve found both the carnivore diet and the raw milk diet to be exceptional. Whatever Covid and the vax spiking did it has limited my body’s ability to process histamine. I’m learning to eat foods that can build up my tolerance again as some of it could have to do with nutritional deficiencies. Interesting enough meat is one of the things I need to consume to heal but I have to keep it moderation to avoid overload of histamines. There is a whole community on Reddit experienced the same symptoms and many say it’s started after Covid or call it a side effect from “long-covid”; https://www.reddit.com/r/HistamineIntolerance/
I had terrible breakouts of rashes and cured them by taking quercetin everyday and getting the right bacteria in the gut. Probiotics in the AM and quercetin, zinc and 15-20k D3 /day.
What brand probiotics do you use? Many of them are also high histamine but I believe there are some that could help
All my vitamins except zinc is vitamin shoppe. My multi is Alive brand. Every so often I’ll buy CVS brand probiotics when they have a sale
i had this weird rash that came about i think due to alcohol allergies that developed later on in life but even after I cut out alcohol it was still going on and didn't go away. Dermatologists just prescribed steroids which I didn't want to take forever. Acupuncture got rid of it after a few sessions.
What I do is I consume a lot of garlic and fiber which helps lessen histamine reactions. Green tea helps with lessening runny nose too.
I wish I had an easy answer for you. If you still suffer any symptoms from long covid, I suggest a nicotine patch for 2 weeks. I suggest it because it worked for me, although my symptoms were different. Also because it's quite safe, low cost and simple. The theory behind it is that the toxic part of covid reproduces not only within the body where the body can eventually handle it, but also in the gut's microflora, which then functions as a continual source of reinfection. This leads to your body constantly trying to clear it out. Nicotine interrupts its life cycle in both the body's own cells and the cells of the gut's microbiome.
For the rest, I think it might be worth checking out the intro page at https://darkovelcek.wordpress.com/introduction/ I've found his theories to be correct in every instance that I've tested them. I found him after having rashes myself, and interpreting them as a herxheimer reaction, and looking up detox protocols to facilitate the elimination of the cause rather than treating the rash symptomatically. I proceeded with a slow detox and graduated up to his full protocol (SHP, for self-healing protocol). The rashes went away immediately and haven't come back. I've been following it for 7 months now, and have had improvements I didn't expect, like some clearing of age/liver spots, and supple healthy skin of my feet and hands where I used to routinely suffer eczema. Obviously do what works for you. Good luck.
This sounds like alpha gal, have you ever been tested for AG?
What I do to lessen my histamine reactions is add a lot of fiber to my diet.
I'm glad you have something that works for you.
Indeed and it takes time to figure out what works best for each individual person.