Genesis 18:8: Abraham serves butter, milk, and a prepared calf to three visitors, including God, under a tree.
Judges 4:19: Jael offers Barak, a military leader, a bottle of milk to drink, demonstrating hospitality and kindness.
Deuteronomy 32:14: In a poetic description of God’s blessings, Moses mentions “butter of kine” (cow milk) and “milk of sheep” as part of a rich and abundant harvest.
Isaiah 7:21-22: As a symbol of prosperity, Isaiah prophesies that in a future time, people will nourish young cows and sheep, producing abundant milk and butter.
1 Peter 2:2: The apostle Peter uses the metaphor of “sincere milk” to describe the nourishing and life-giving nature of God’s word, encouraging believers to crave and grow in their faith.
God does not care about books written by men but we can call it nature instead. You don't see animals hunt prey to pin them down and suck their milk because that's not how nature works, milk is for babies.
I have a mild stomach infection at the moment and the first thing my doctor told me to drop was dairy, not that I've eaten any for a decade now because it turns me into an oily fart balloon despite being Northern European. Not fit for human consumption.
I knew someone who went to europe. He tried some cheese despite being insanely intolerant of dairy, because it was an occasion. he felt fine so he tried more the next day, and within a few days, he was eating ice cream and drinking lattes. He came back to the states and returned to being intolerant. The conclusion being that the milk here is different from the milk there.
Cow Milk References in Bible
Genesis 18:8: Abraham serves butter, milk, and a prepared calf to three visitors, including God, under a tree.
Judges 4:19: Jael offers Barak, a military leader, a bottle of milk to drink, demonstrating hospitality and kindness.
Deuteronomy 32:14: In a poetic description of God’s blessings, Moses mentions “butter of kine” (cow milk) and “milk of sheep” as part of a rich and abundant harvest.
Isaiah 7:21-22: As a symbol of prosperity, Isaiah prophesies that in a future time, people will nourish young cows and sheep, producing abundant milk and butter.
1 Peter 2:2: The apostle Peter uses the metaphor of “sincere milk” to describe the nourishing and life-giving nature of God’s word, encouraging believers to crave and grow in their faith.
God does not care about books written by men but we can call it nature instead. You don't see animals hunt prey to pin them down and suck their milk because that's not how nature works, milk is for babies.
I have a mild stomach infection at the moment and the first thing my doctor told me to drop was dairy, not that I've eaten any for a decade now because it turns me into an oily fart balloon despite being Northern European. Not fit for human consumption.
Congrats on paying your Pfizer representative his fees.
Congrats on regurgitating Big pharma doctrine.
Be sure to get your latest booster.
Congrats on getting triggered even though I warned you it would be a hot take.
Put some milk in a bowl and just about any animal will enjoy it, whether it be cow or sheep or goat or buffalo milk.
Hing, it appears that you are the only one triggered, here. NCSWIC!
I knew someone who went to europe. He tried some cheese despite being insanely intolerant of dairy, because it was an occasion. he felt fine so he tried more the next day, and within a few days, he was eating ice cream and drinking lattes. He came back to the states and returned to being intolerant. The conclusion being that the milk here is different from the milk there.
In Europe the milk you buy from a supermarket doesn't spoil as quickly. And the milk has an earthy smell to it. Almost like raw milk but not as close.
Raw milk is just on another higher level due to the fat and cream you will never find in supermarket milk in the US.