38 King Charles drinks touted cancer cure in 1 minute 7 second video (media.greatawakening.win) 🔍 Notable posted 3 months ago by MikeTheCubed 3 months ago by MikeTheCubed +38 / -0 10 comments download share 10 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
If you get a chance on a hot summer day, try kava.
It is a wonderfully relaxing and cooling brew and makes for a friendly conversation with those in the room. The time will drift pleasantly.
It does taste like shit and makes your mouth completely numb but the buzz is nice.
The numb is kind of part of the experience.
But be careful driving a car after a few cups!
Recommend chilling under a tree.
It's basically like being overly drunk without alcohol. They sell it in capsule form too.
I don't know if he stole the tarts, but it looks like the queen caught him red-handed.
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Fresh Kava is good. I haven't had it since that one time in Tonga. Numbing mud.