Beautiful find, CymruBro. Sad, horrific, infuriating. But so important.
The entire system of medical documentation exists to create codes for billing and "causes of death" to sustain medical/Pharma narratives. It is entirely driven by profit and legal protection incentives, and whatever interpretive/recording algorithms are handed down from on high by hospital/HMO/etc. management.
There is absolutely no place in the patient's STORY where the patient, or family, or friends have a say in the sickness/treatment narrative.
It is the most grotesquely one-sided and powerful controlling narratives/texts, up there with religious scripture, in terms of being regarded as the word of the Almighty powers.
And every time a Pharma/HMO/hospital/etc. practitioner adds their bit to it, knowing that they are twisting or lying or whatever, they contribute to truly demonic corruption of the truth.
Including the powerful, generally unrecognized, and low paid "medical coding/billing" agents.
(That's a community college certificate program. Not unlike the kind of certificate program you can get for being a car mechanic, arc welder, or daycare provider.)
This is such a big issue. Thank you for being aware of it. Many of us have intermeshing stories of this sort, and nowhere to tell them.
I'd argue that the narrative is power and control in itself, and even more important than the money. The distinction doesn't matter to the victims, but it does matter to those who judge the perpetrators.
In pomo literary/cultural circles, they will pontificate endlessly about "textual authority" and "discursive hegemony" and such...but they will never look at the power relationships in "health" "care" narratives.
The body of medical documentation at this point is nothing but lies. But it gets used not only to make, document, and justify life-and-death decisions (in line with medical errors/malpractice being the leading cause of death in the US). It also gets used as a knowledge base for all sorts of medical and policy research, as though it records phenomena transparently and truthfully.
And yes, as you say, maintaining that control/sustaining and expanding that power is very much a currency/goal in itself. Well observed. Thanks.
I am no biologist or botanist or anyone 'educated in these fields' but I do understand that our bodies can heal themselves! That's how it works if you believe in God, which I do; or if you believe in evolution! Now there are two ways the body can get sick. One is a parasitic infection and the other is manmade compounds we ingest! Period! Parasites would include living cells eating human cells! Manmade compounds would be treated as trash and cells would accumulate around it to protect our biology! Our biological sicknesses can only be solved by using biological solutions, like penicillin! A cancer cell is actually your body enwrapping unknown chemicals from spreading! Biopsy is breaking that wrap! Chemo is finishing the trick! Invermectin kills all parasites! Chemo is like the Covid vax! It's not our solution; it's theirs!
AND that Fellow PEEDS is EXACTLY what my late wife died of...RADIATION POISIONING...but death certificate says: "BREAST CANCER"!!!!!
Given what I know now, the whole "cancer scam" is to bilk the insurance companies of hundreds of thousands of in point, my late wife, when I added up all the treatments, the final tally, $250,000.00!!!!
I fought (and failed) to have my darling's death certificate cause of death changed, astonished to see that the CoD they listed had NOTHING to do with what had transpired, or how it was treated. They simply listed the very last physical failure to transpire as death set in.
We are profit cattle in the eyes of this "health" "care" system. The sicker we get, the richer they get.
AND you are so right...we are NOTHING BUT CATTLE TO THESE money-changers...reminds me of the scripture of Jesus upsetting the money changers tables in the Temple@@@@
The "cause" of death equates to cancer BUT IT IS THE INTERNAL ORGANS THAT CAUSE THE DEATH...
Thank for you thoughtful words...AND what you experienced...
On Sundays, when I go Mass I dedicate the Mass to someone...This Sunday it will be for you!!!!!!! And a Much Bigger Thank You for your very kind words...
So many lost to Pharma malevolence, so much pain and suffering resulting.
My "grief group" has three and sometimes four people in it who are mourning for people...but really they are suffering from not wanting to face what BS the "covid" thing was, which is what REALLY killed their loved ones--withholding of treatment, inappropriate treatment, isolation/despair etc. It's so hard to hear them pour out their grief...and how they pull up short of that final/last step of seeing/admitting what happened.
So grateful to have everyone here who sees things so clearly and courageously!
I knew it! In my heart I knew it. Georgeann was cooked to death. All that pain and all that suffering. I knew chemotherapy was evils way of torchering human beings. Poison a patient and tell them it's for their own good. Watch them suffer. This is not medicine, I don't know what to call it. Barbrisim.
Also sorcery. Look up its etymology, and you will find it shares a root with "sort," the noun:
late 14c., sorte, "group of people, animals, etc.; kind or variety of person or animal," from Old French sorte "class, kind," from Latin sortem (nominative sors) "lot; fate, destiny; share, portion; rank, category; sex, class, oracular response, prophecy," from PIE root *ser- (2) "to line up."
There it is right there. People treated like animals whom their "betters" hve selected for a particular category, rank, and fate.
Long term effects for those who survive the CancerHamsterWheel ordeal? Primarily, a profound DAILY/HOURLY fear that it will “come back”. Mainly because the treatment was so horrific. Some survivors live mental torture until they do die of whatever…..
but it literally SHROUDS their lives and their light.
Must give evil great joy to damage/destroy/torture.
Now, let’s do Pain Management Specialists, what a racket!!! Treat, prescribe, ablate (to hide pain/not cure it—you don’t feel it, cause MORE damage) treat some more, uh oh, still hurts…..injections, stronger pills, let’s burn those nerves again……and so it goes. And the doctor?
He goes to Greece or Antarctica. His wife has more plastic surgery and Jr, who wants to be a “doctor” too gets a new truck. Oh, and your spine/hip/shoulder/ankle is destroyed.
I would not willingly walk into a hospital right now. Not visiting friends there either…..lots of bacterial stuff going on, but shhhhhh, bad for BUSINESS.
Covid highlighted the coding game for anyone paying attention (pun not intended but it works really well.). Reimbursement matters for treatment and thus diagnosis. Creative coding or even creative diagnosis exists to get treatments covered. Scary when you consider how some diagnoses may be decided just for the purpose of coverage yet that label will be in your medical records forever. If mental health related, could bar you from exercising 2A later, etc.
Sadly, there are cures for cancer, but the general public is not permitted to know or have them. Some do die from cancer. My sister died at the age of 66 with melanoma metastasis to her brain (no covid vaxx). She had one tumor removed for identification, but refused chemo and radiation. This was before I learned about the cancer fighting powers of IVM and Fenben. She may have tried them. Another sister's MIL just died from pancreatic CA. She had 2 covid vaxx d/t pressure from at least one of her sons. She developed symptoms (turned yellow) within hours of taking her second Ozempic injection (prescribed for "pre-diabetes"). She was 86 and refused to have a biopsy or treatment. Both ladies died within 3 mo of diagnosis.
You will be interested in these pieces on the importance of GOD'S OWN LIGHT to health, including how many melanomas result from NOT GETTING ENOUGH SUN.
The redefinition of GOD'S OWN SUNLIGHT from a NUTRIENT to a life-threatening carcinogen is perhaps the most demonic event of the past 100 years.
I truly believe that if I/we had had access to UVBI in the short but devastating onset of my darling's illness, it would have turned things around. I have to live with having been ignorant of this. I'm not ignorant now.
Beautiful find, CymruBro. Sad, horrific, infuriating. But so important.
The entire system of medical documentation exists to create codes for billing and "causes of death" to sustain medical/Pharma narratives. It is entirely driven by profit and legal protection incentives, and whatever interpretive/recording algorithms are handed down from on high by hospital/HMO/etc. management.
There is absolutely no place in the patient's STORY where the patient, or family, or friends have a say in the sickness/treatment narrative.
It is the most grotesquely one-sided and powerful controlling narratives/texts, up there with religious scripture, in terms of being regarded as the word of the Almighty powers.
And every time a Pharma/HMO/hospital/etc. practitioner adds their bit to it, knowing that they are twisting or lying or whatever, they contribute to truly demonic corruption of the truth.
Including the powerful, generally unrecognized, and low paid "medical coding/billing" agents.
(That's a community college certificate program. Not unlike the kind of certificate program you can get for being a car mechanic, arc welder, or daycare provider.)
This is such a big issue. Thank you for being aware of it. Many of us have intermeshing stories of this sort, and nowhere to tell them.
I'd argue that the narrative is power and control in itself, and even more important than the money. The distinction doesn't matter to the victims, but it does matter to those who judge the perpetrators.
In pomo literary/cultural circles, they will pontificate endlessly about "textual authority" and "discursive hegemony" and such...but they will never look at the power relationships in "health" "care" narratives.
The body of medical documentation at this point is nothing but lies. But it gets used not only to make, document, and justify life-and-death decisions (in line with medical errors/malpractice being the leading cause of death in the US). It also gets used as a knowledge base for all sorts of medical and policy research, as though it records phenomena transparently and truthfully.
And yes, as you say, maintaining that control/sustaining and expanding that power is very much a currency/goal in itself. Well observed. Thanks.
Thanks, lil yellow bird.
Cancer is to gain access to the pocket book, radiation for the kill. We are paying for our own death on so many levels.
I am no biologist or botanist or anyone 'educated in these fields' but I do understand that our bodies can heal themselves! That's how it works if you believe in God, which I do; or if you believe in evolution! Now there are two ways the body can get sick. One is a parasitic infection and the other is manmade compounds we ingest! Period! Parasites would include living cells eating human cells! Manmade compounds would be treated as trash and cells would accumulate around it to protect our biology! Our biological sicknesses can only be solved by using biological solutions, like penicillin! A cancer cell is actually your body enwrapping unknown chemicals from spreading! Biopsy is breaking that wrap! Chemo is finishing the trick! Invermectin kills all parasites! Chemo is like the Covid vax! It's not our solution; it's theirs!
AND that Fellow PEEDS is EXACTLY what my late wife died of...RADIATION POISIONING...but death certificate says: "BREAST CANCER"!!!!!
Given what I know now, the whole "cancer scam" is to bilk the insurance companies of hundreds of thousands of in point, my late wife, when I added up all the treatments, the final tally, $250,000.00!!!!
I am so sorry, Eagle.
I fought (and failed) to have my darling's death certificate cause of death changed, astonished to see that the CoD they listed had NOTHING to do with what had transpired, or how it was treated. They simply listed the very last physical failure to transpire as death set in.
We are profit cattle in the eyes of this "health" "care" system. The sicker we get, the richer they get.
AND you are so right...we are NOTHING BUT CATTLE TO THESE money-changers...reminds me of the scripture of Jesus upsetting the money changers tables in the Temple@@@@
The "cause" of death equates to cancer BUT IT IS THE INTERNAL ORGANS THAT CAUSE THE DEATH...
Thank for you thoughtful words...AND what you experienced...
On Sundays, when I go Mass I dedicate the Mass to someone...This Sunday it will be for you!!!!!!! And a Much Bigger Thank You for your very kind words...
This means a lot to me, Eagle. Thank you.
So many lost to Pharma malevolence, so much pain and suffering resulting.
My "grief group" has three and sometimes four people in it who are mourning for people...but really they are suffering from not wanting to face what BS the "covid" thing was, which is what REALLY killed their loved ones--withholding of treatment, inappropriate treatment, isolation/despair etc. It's so hard to hear them pour out their grief...and how they pull up short of that final/last step of seeing/admitting what happened.
So grateful to have everyone here who sees things so clearly and courageously!
I knew it! In my heart I knew it. Georgeann was cooked to death. All that pain and all that suffering. I knew chemotherapy was evils way of torchering human beings. Poison a patient and tell them it's for their own good. Watch them suffer. This is not medicine, I don't know what to call it. Barbrisim.
Pharmakia. Witchcraft. Idol worship.
Human sacrifice to their false gods of money and self importance.
This right here.
Also sorcery. Look up its etymology, and you will find it shares a root with "sort," the noun:
There it is right there. People treated like animals whom their "betters" hve selected for a particular category, rank, and fate.
Long term effects for those who survive the CancerHamsterWheel ordeal? Primarily, a profound DAILY/HOURLY fear that it will “come back”. Mainly because the treatment was so horrific. Some survivors live mental torture until they do die of whatever….. but it literally SHROUDS their lives and their light.
Must give evil great joy to damage/destroy/torture.
Now, let’s do Pain Management Specialists, what a racket!!! Treat, prescribe, ablate (to hide pain/not cure it—you don’t feel it, cause MORE damage) treat some more, uh oh, still hurts…..injections, stronger pills, let’s burn those nerves again……and so it goes. And the doctor?
He goes to Greece or Antarctica. His wife has more plastic surgery and Jr, who wants to be a “doctor” too gets a new truck. Oh, and your spine/hip/shoulder/ankle is destroyed.
I would not willingly walk into a hospital right now. Not visiting friends there either…..lots of bacterial stuff going on, but shhhhhh, bad for BUSINESS.
Covid highlighted the coding game for anyone paying attention (pun not intended but it works really well.). Reimbursement matters for treatment and thus diagnosis. Creative coding or even creative diagnosis exists to get treatments covered. Scary when you consider how some diagnoses may be decided just for the purpose of coverage yet that label will be in your medical records forever. If mental health related, could bar you from exercising 2A later, etc.
Sadly, there are cures for cancer, but the general public is not permitted to know or have them. Some do die from cancer. My sister died at the age of 66 with melanoma metastasis to her brain (no covid vaxx). She had one tumor removed for identification, but refused chemo and radiation. This was before I learned about the cancer fighting powers of IVM and Fenben. She may have tried them. Another sister's MIL just died from pancreatic CA. She had 2 covid vaxx d/t pressure from at least one of her sons. She developed symptoms (turned yellow) within hours of taking her second Ozempic injection (prescribed for "pre-diabetes"). She was 86 and refused to have a biopsy or treatment. Both ladies died within 3 mo of diagnosis.
I’m sorry for your loss. All I pray for is the truth to come out and justice to be done.
I am so sorry for your losses, dear AG.
You will be interested in these pieces on the importance of GOD'S OWN LIGHT to health, including how many melanomas result from NOT GETTING ENOUGH SUN.
The redefinition of GOD'S OWN SUNLIGHT from a NUTRIENT to a life-threatening carcinogen is perhaps the most demonic event of the past 100 years.
Dermatology's Horrendous War Against The Sun
The Unappreciated Benefits of Natural Light
The Evidence that Putting Light Inside The Body Is A Miraculous Therapy
I truly believe that if I/we had had access to UVBI in the short but devastating onset of my darling's illness, it would have turned things around. I have to live with having been ignorant of this. I'm not ignorant now.