This whole election voting period seems like show and tell. All the cheating is being called out and pointed at. But this time, people are allowed to notice and comment, share and tag. Then I'm seeing investigations, and reactions from GOP officials. Its playing completely different than 2020.
I'm a PA resident and I think a lot of us just prefer in person but do understand there was a push for early. I think we will show record numbers on election day.
I feel something big is coming. I know that’s redundant as well as obvious but comparing Trump’s reaction in 2020 compared to today, his posts are just different.
Space Force monitoring every human being living on Earth! No one gets away Scotts free! Sealed indictments will become popular words in our vocabulary! It had to be this way!
Many do not care, many would accept it, even promote it as a sexual fetish. We may have to invite them if they feel so strongly in support to step up and put their head in the noose.
Tip of the iceberg. Like roaches, find a dozen and there are thousands you don't see.
This whole election voting period seems like show and tell. All the cheating is being called out and pointed at. But this time, people are allowed to notice and comment, share and tag. Then I'm seeing investigations, and reactions from GOP officials. Its playing completely different than 2020.
OMG I just posted something similar before I read yours. Yep, it feels different for sure.
This is why most on PA will not vote early. We don't have early voting just this.
Here's how early voting works in Pennsylvania for the 2024 election - CBS Philadelphia
We need a free and fair election, now. Right now, and through election day!
Something is definitely wrong in PA
I read that report that only 12% of Republicans have voted early thus far.
There's no way that's accurate.
In PA they don't have early voting places.
You vote by mail or you vote in the county clerk office and they put it in a box.
I don't trust this corrupt state.
So no I will vote when there are polling locations open.
I'm a PA resident and I think a lot of us just prefer in person but do understand there was a push for early. I think we will show record numbers on election day.
Overlooked and condoned by Josh Shapiro.
I feel something big is coming. I know that’s redundant as well as obvious but comparing Trump’s reaction in 2020 compared to today, his posts are just different.
Who is going to stop voter fraud this time?
Space Force monitoring every human being living on Earth! No one gets away Scotts free! Sealed indictments will become popular words in our vocabulary! It had to be this way!
Many do not care, many would accept it, even promote it as a sexual fetish. We may have to invite them if they feel so strongly in support to step up and put their head in the noose.
Commie Shapiro at the helm.