Maybe you don't understand how our system works. The Bloc currently holds the balance of power. The NDP could theoretically support them still, and given the numbers in the house could still prevent an election. But the situation has become increasingly tenuous and if NDP continues to support Trudeau they will potentially destroy themselves in the process.
Basically, if there is a vote of non confidence, and the liberals lose, we have an election.
Maybe you dont understand its blue tie red tie everything happening today is built on the legislative foundation scribbled by Harper. Nothing will change until all 338 are hanged for treason, along with PP's cartel wife.
Poilievre was just grandstanding with an I told you so after you supported Trudeau more than 180 times and he gave you nothing because you're dumb. Instead of welcoming them to bring down the government and stressing the Conservative's past and future provincialist sensibilities. Had some of the disgruntled Liberals joined the motion, Singh could have been caught gargling Trudeau's balls through a failed confidence vote and we'd be back at the polls.
I think Poilievre stuck his dick in it. Blanchet has the least on the line in this situation.
Pierre was a sore winner about it. There was a path here where he stood with the Bloc, talked about the importance of the federal and provincial(state) division of powers, and got them on side for pressing the attack on Trudeau.
There is a rebellion in Trudeau's party and Pierre and Blanchet could have pressed that together and made the rebels in Trudeau's party put up or shut up. This would have been good for the Conservatives and the Bloc either way. If they bring down the government and force an election, then each of them win an election. If the rebels shut up and were all talk, then they keep bleeding what little support they could have had with the people who just think Trudeau, and not his whole party, is the problem.
Instead, Pierre Poilievre ran straight to the press and was a sore winner. He trash talked Blanchet in a way that'll make him lose face for working with Poilievre to force an election. And it's fucked up because the Conservatives aren't going to gain much of anything in Quebec. It was just grandstanding for no gain and unnecessarily pushes out a potential election.
The California of Canada just had an election. The British Columbian version of the Tea Party went from 2% to over 40% support and has the numbers to force an election if a few of the winner's party are sick from work. The winds are changing.
I don’t think Trudeau is leaving. His dad didn’t.
Maybe you don't understand how our system works. The Bloc currently holds the balance of power. The NDP could theoretically support them still, and given the numbers in the house could still prevent an election. But the situation has become increasingly tenuous and if NDP continues to support Trudeau they will potentially destroy themselves in the process.
Basically, if there is a vote of non confidence, and the liberals lose, we have an election.
I’m aware of the parliamentary process. But I’m also aware of that coward locking himself in the Capitol and holding hostages. Scarface style. 🤣
LOL I can see it. Clutching his pride flag and crying by himself.
‘Give me LGBT or give me death’
Maybe you dont understand its blue tie red tie everything happening today is built on the legislative foundation scribbled by Harper. Nothing will change until all 338 are hanged for treason, along with PP's cartel wife.
Not sure how Canadians can't see through the illusion.
Mass migration - both liberals and CPC support it.
Globalist treaties - Both liberals and CPC signed on to them.
The ONLY difference is the way it is marketed towards them, but what is being done doesn't change.
Smartmatic is in the house. Who cares if there is an election?
There might be a handful of liberals that would vote no confidence
Poilievre was just grandstanding with an I told you so after you supported Trudeau more than 180 times and he gave you nothing because you're dumb. Instead of welcoming them to bring down the government and stressing the Conservative's past and future provincialist sensibilities. Had some of the disgruntled Liberals joined the motion, Singh could have been caught gargling Trudeau's balls through a failed confidence vote and we'd be back at the polls.
I think Poilievre stuck his dick in it. Blanchet has the least on the line in this situation.
I didn’t understand a word of that!
Pierre was a sore winner about it. There was a path here where he stood with the Bloc, talked about the importance of the federal and provincial(state) division of powers, and got them on side for pressing the attack on Trudeau.
There is a rebellion in Trudeau's party and Pierre and Blanchet could have pressed that together and made the rebels in Trudeau's party put up or shut up. This would have been good for the Conservatives and the Bloc either way. If they bring down the government and force an election, then each of them win an election. If the rebels shut up and were all talk, then they keep bleeding what little support they could have had with the people who just think Trudeau, and not his whole party, is the problem.
Instead, Pierre Poilievre ran straight to the press and was a sore winner. He trash talked Blanchet in a way that'll make him lose face for working with Poilievre to force an election. And it's fucked up because the Conservatives aren't going to gain much of anything in Quebec. It was just grandstanding for no gain and unnecessarily pushes out a potential election.
Canada hasn't been pushed to the precipice. I hope they get pushed to change their stupid woke ways.
If they don't get to experience a precipice i'll be mad. Why is it that american people always have to do the heavy lifting?
Because. Thats who we are.
A national DNA of people who came here at great risk to be free. From all over the world.
The only native genetics to America is the dna of bad assery, suck it up and carry on pede. The best is yet to come.
Point is, if these soy boys in Canada do not feel a precipice they will not wake up.
Yeah, we better get hit hard man. This country is fucked.
Take away their hockey and Tim Hortons, then we’ll see savages. Canadians are awesome folks though.
The California of Canada just had an election. The British Columbian version of the Tea Party went from 2% to over 40% support and has the numbers to force an election if a few of the winner's party are sick from work. The winds are changing.
I totally agree! It's been very frustrating being an American living in Canada!! Wake up already!!
truud-hoe just needs the proper "persuasion"....