BRUTAL: Colorado News Anchor Shreds Jena Griswold on Live TV Over Voting Machine Leak Scandal — Presses Her on Potential Prison ...
In a recent live television interview, 9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark put Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in the hot seat over a scandalous leak of BIOS passwords linked to voting machines.
She always looks like she is about to liberal cry at any second! I am convinced there is a specific look they search for when finding people for these positions. Right? It's like evil mixed with stupidity.
Oh this was so satisfying to watch her squirm and deflect. Great reporter, asked tough questions and kept at her.
Wakey, Wakey Colorado! Love the state, hope they can solve this problem for the good people there.
Two sets of passwords. Who holds passwords? One for each side? One for Republicans One for democrats? Otherwise what's the point? So you leak all the republican passwords and you control all the democrat holders. I don't see for one second how this isn't a serious breach.
She didn't disclose to the affected parties, she is internally investigating instead of third party. This is a stink she can't remove. She got caught, this is a gotcha moment and she was got. Once people lose confidence in you, you should go. She used the past example of mesa county to figure out how to do it and make it appear a simple mistake when caught. No good. Her answers and her soulless face give her away as an liar. The other lady got 9 years as a county leader, she should get at least 20 years as secretary of state. Egregious conspiracy to undermine an election and a cover up.
And Tina Peters did nothing wrong. She is an absolute patriot. Trump should pardon Tina day one.
This Dominion Troll of a Secretary of State should definitely go to the clink.
I think Gov. Jared Polis has to be the one to pardon her. I don't see that happening. They changed the laws in Colorado after Tina Peters backed up her machine of the 2020 election votes. She made a record of what was on it before the Dominion people came out to change the information on it. Now, it is law in Colorado that the county clerks have to certify the election. They are sending a message to every clerk in Colorado that they will go along and do as they are told or end up like Tina Peters. She is a good example to look very deep into how she has been treated. Look at what the Gov. can do to a regular citizen just trying to be of service and do her job correctly
We need a major cleanup in corrupt Colorado.
They'll probably use it as an attempt to give illegal access and muddy the access logs or something like that. Not an IT person at all, but that seems plausible.
I was wondering why it’s so cold in calirado all of a sudden…apparently hell froze over and Kyle Clark isn’t pandering to the leftist regime of the state…he’s actually asking real reporter questions and not being their bitch as typical.
Her face looks like it wants to run away from her 🤣
Blinking rate is one per second. Big tell for interrogators looking for lies.