My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country...Q #34 11/1/17
🔍 Notable

It dawns on me that if that was a message to us all from the past with a seven-year delta then Project Looking Glass or some equivalent would have to be not only real but in use.
From what I've read, PLG stopped accurately working altogether in 2012. Given the fact that Podesta is long out of the news cycle, a confirmation of a 7-year delta would not just be Trump winning but a Hillary arrest and Podesta being publicly brought down in the news.
Short of those 3 events taking place, I call seven-year delta prophecies bullshit.
Since Podesta is a senior advisor for International climate policy, he's not really out of the news at all. In fact, it was a big deal when he was chosen for that position.
Yep ... just released yesterday:
Hmm. International Climate Policy. "I.C.P" 🤔
Quit clowning 🤡 around Honey!
I don't think he's good for a damn thing, but was HAPPY they pulled him in - waiting for his arrest 😁
From what I read, PLG didn't "stop" working. It stopped showing the DS what they wanted to see. Regardless of what they did from 2012 on, nothing changed the final outcome anymore.
That's right... timeline convergence
How does timeline convergence work anyways? How does it effect us common people?
No more various outcomes. All one and the DS was NOT happy with it. We almost all wake up and we have the world God intended. My opinion
The Great Awakening. Basically, 'ascension' to a higher consciousness, and nothing can stop it.