The 13th may have freed black slaves but the 14th made slaves of us all. Citizen took on a new, darker, meaning at that point. Citizens are now corporate slaves. We claim freedom but surely don’t even know what true freedom is.
Debt Validation: Ensures that the U.S. government's debt, including Civil War debts, would not be questioned, but also stipulated that debts incurred by the Confederate states in aid of insurrection or rebellion were invalid.
The 14th amendment created Federal Citizens. Before that people were citizens of the individual nation states and lived under common law. This started the transition from common law (lawfulness) to statutory law (legalism). The 14th also changed from its original form that limited titles of nobility from being a part of congress to now allowing them. This included attorneys (Esquire), among others, who hold loyalty to the British Accreditation Registry (BAR) over the us constitution. Lincoln had incorporated the Federal Gov to deal with the massive debt from the civil war. This is how the full faith and credit of the USA became its Citizens and their property. Federal Citizens were later tied to birth certificates which created financial entities in the form of franchise corporations of the mother Federal Government Corporation USA INC. Claiming Federal Citizenship is what takes you from voluntary taxes to mandatory taxes. There is a lot in between all this as this is a very high level summary of post civil war America becoming USA INC. Other key parts are the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917 and the Emergency Banking Act of 1933. These two acts made enemies of this who transacted in constitutional money and gave the USA INC. the right to confiscate their property even if only in deep legal trickery. This is my understanding anyway. Feel free to disagree or pick it apart.
Thank you. I ran it through Grok and it claims this is a conspiracy theory:
The notion that birth certificates create financial entities or that they tie individuals into mandatory taxation through some form of corporate franchise is not recognized in legal or financial systems. This is a common sovereign citizen belief but lacks legal foundation.
Doesn’t surprise me. The fact that it uses the term “Sovereign Citizen” is a tell that Grok is drinking the kool-aid or doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground. That term is an oxymoron as those words, legally speaking, have the exact opposite connotation of each other.
Agreed. One of the worst amendments and has completely robbed the states of their voice in DC. Senators were appointed by state governments as a check on federal power. Now that check is broken - no wonder it has become so unbalanced.
The club house where the meetings to create the federal reserve system took place, was built above a (Timucan) Canaanite altar, where pagan blood rituals, including child sacrifices, occurred.
My husband and I went to Jekyll Island for our honeymoon in the 80s. When I saw that old mansion, I didn’t get a feeling of it being beautiful or anything. It just looked decrepit. We didn’t give it much thought. I’m glad we stayed away from it.
I read the whole Culture Critic thread and this was a very interesting point.
Now, I'm a Canadian, and our government still has an appointed (aristocratic) senate, and they are basically lifetime appointments.
It's always been the true conservatives (Preston Manning, prime example) who have pushed for changing our constitution to make our senators elected.
I think as long as you have corrupt people making the appointments, you will get corrupt appointees. Until you root out the corruption, it doesn't matter what kind of government you have. And what corrupt government would ever decide to root out corruption?
That's true. Rothschild said, Give me the power to coin the money and I care not what kind of government there is. We've been corrupted by them ever since.
True that. I suppose one advantage of moving away from popular (mob) selection is that there would be no 50 year senators. A governor is eventually going to come along who is tired of his legislative shit, and is going to turn him out.
Something that has bothered me for awhile with the corporation of the USA. We are born as property of the corporation.
Given that... are the illegals here actually the only free people in this country? Is that why they seem to be getting all our benefits while American families are constantly screwed?
Is that why the deep state keeps funneling all this money to foreigners? Did the actions Trump take amplify this? Meaning the steps he took to try and disolve the corp, actually required money taken in by us debt slaves to be used for foreign untied assets outside the corp and since we are still owned by the corp we are getting screwed?
Repeal the 17th Amendment. Pronto.
Repeal every one after the 10th
The senate has become the House of Lords because of the 17rh.
The 13th may have freed black slaves but the 14th made slaves of us all. Citizen took on a new, darker, meaning at that point. Citizens are now corporate slaves. We claim freedom but surely don’t even know what true freedom is.
Which part of the 14th?
Debt Validation: Ensures that the U.S. government's debt, including Civil War debts, would not be questioned, but also stipulated that debts incurred by the Confederate states in aid of insurrection or rebellion were invalid.
The 14th amendment created Federal Citizens. Before that people were citizens of the individual nation states and lived under common law. This started the transition from common law (lawfulness) to statutory law (legalism). The 14th also changed from its original form that limited titles of nobility from being a part of congress to now allowing them. This included attorneys (Esquire), among others, who hold loyalty to the British Accreditation Registry (BAR) over the us constitution. Lincoln had incorporated the Federal Gov to deal with the massive debt from the civil war. This is how the full faith and credit of the USA became its Citizens and their property. Federal Citizens were later tied to birth certificates which created financial entities in the form of franchise corporations of the mother Federal Government Corporation USA INC. Claiming Federal Citizenship is what takes you from voluntary taxes to mandatory taxes. There is a lot in between all this as this is a very high level summary of post civil war America becoming USA INC. Other key parts are the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917 and the Emergency Banking Act of 1933. These two acts made enemies of this who transacted in constitutional money and gave the USA INC. the right to confiscate their property even if only in deep legal trickery. This is my understanding anyway. Feel free to disagree or pick it apart.
Thank you. I ran it through Grok and it claims this is a conspiracy theory:
The notion that birth certificates create financial entities or that they tie individuals into mandatory taxation through some form of corporate franchise is not recognized in legal or financial systems. This is a common sovereign citizen belief but lacks legal foundation.
Doesn’t surprise me. The fact that it uses the term “Sovereign Citizen” is a tell that Grok is drinking the kool-aid or doesn’t know it’s ass from a hole in the ground. That term is an oxymoron as those words, legally speaking, have the exact opposite connotation of each other.
Yeah AI models just take info from the web
Agreed. One of the worst amendments and has completely robbed the states of their voice in DC. Senators were appointed by state governments as a check on federal power. Now that check is broken - no wonder it has become so unbalanced.
Here is the link:
Amazing what we don't know and could not connect the dots so far. It all was stacked against us. Until Qand+
The club house where the meetings to create the federal reserve system took place, was built above a (Timucan) Canaanite altar, where pagan blood rituals, including child sacrifices, occurred.
YouTube link:
My husband and I went to Jekyll Island for our honeymoon in the 80s. When I saw that old mansion, I didn’t get a feeling of it being beautiful or anything. It just looked decrepit. We didn’t give it much thought. I’m glad we stayed away from it.
I read the whole Culture Critic thread and this was a very interesting point. Now, I'm a Canadian, and our government still has an appointed (aristocratic) senate, and they are basically lifetime appointments.
It's always been the true conservatives (Preston Manning, prime example) who have pushed for changing our constitution to make our senators elected. I think as long as you have corrupt people making the appointments, you will get corrupt appointees. Until you root out the corruption, it doesn't matter what kind of government you have. And what corrupt government would ever decide to root out corruption?
That's true. Rothschild said, Give me the power to coin the money and I care not what kind of government there is. We've been corrupted by them ever since.
True that. I suppose one advantage of moving away from popular (mob) selection is that there would be no 50 year senators. A governor is eventually going to come along who is tired of his legislative shit, and is going to turn him out.
is it true the FED is on their own land and immune to U.S. laws?
If so, we can declare war on them and they have no rights.
Something that has bothered me for awhile with the corporation of the USA. We are born as property of the corporation.
Given that... are the illegals here actually the only free people in this country? Is that why they seem to be getting all our benefits while American families are constantly screwed?
Is that why the deep state keeps funneling all this money to foreigners? Did the actions Trump take amplify this? Meaning the steps he took to try and disolve the corp, actually required money taken in by us debt slaves to be used for foreign untied assets outside the corp and since we are still owned by the corp we are getting screwed?