WA State Governor activates National Guard to support public safety during 2024 election
November 1, 2024
Major General Gent Welsh
The Adjutant General
Washington Military Department
Building 1
Camp Murray, WA 98430-5000
Re: Activation of Washington National Guard assets to support public safety activities related to the 2024 Elections.
Dear Major General Welsh:
Based upon general and specific information and concerns regarding the potential for violence or other unlawful activity related to the 2024 general election, I want to ensure we are fully prepared to respond to any potential additional civil unrest of the type described in RCW 38.08.040 occurring within Washington State leading up to, on, and potentially extending beyond November 5, 2024, the date of the 2024 general election.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has warned that threats to election infrastructure during the 2024 election cycle remains high. The southwest region of Washington state has already experienced specific instances of election-related unrest. On October 28, 2024, an incendiary device was set off in a drop box in Vancouver, Washington, damaging or destroying hundreds of ballots, and a similar device targeted a ballot box in Portland, Oregon.
In response to the situation described above and the potential for further violence and illegal activity, I am directing the Washington National Guard (WANG) to prepare to provide critical public safety support by activating necessary Washington National Guard personnel in a standby status. In this role, the WANG will support local law enforcement and the Washington State Patrol as needed. Our state depends on these skilled individuals for critical support to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, to include support necessary to protect vital infrastructure related to carrying out free and fair elections and to respond to any unrest related to the 2024 general election.
Preparation to respond to civil unrest of the type already experienced will also require state level coordination and the activation of additional support functions within Washington’s Emergency Management System.
Under RCW 38.08.040, I am authorized to order the Washington National Guard, or any part thereof, into active service of the State to perform such duty as I deem proper when required for the public health, safety, or welfare and to prepare for events described in RCW 38.08.040. I find that such preparation, and this activation of the Washington National Guard, is required now for the protection of the public health, safety, or welfare of Washington State agencies and the people they serve.
Therefore, I, Jay Inslee, Governor of the state of Washington, pursuant to RCW 38.08.040 and in response to the above-referenced request, and believing such action is necessary for preserving public health, safety and welfare, order into temporary active state service for up to four days, beginning Monday, November 4, 2024, as many members of the Washington National Guard as may be necessary and deemed appropriate for the circumstances described above in the opinion of The Adjutant General of the Washington State Military Department to support public safety efforts related to the 2024 elections, as well as activation of support functions within Washington’s Emergency Management System.
This order of activation expires at 12:01 a.m. on November 8, 2024.
Very truly yours,
Jay Inslee
WA is so corrupt and liberal.
So Hello please vote accordingly
Liberalism is mental cancer
Seems odd considering WA elections have been stolen for at least a couple decades by the Dems. Are they worried about stealing it again this year? They've been putting laws in place to prevent people from even looking into potential fraud and unless you have a lot of money to challenge them they just use residents own tax money against them; so corrupt. To make matters worse, they are on the verge of controlling the House and Senate with supermajorities in WA so they can shove any crap that they want down our throats. I'm hoping Trump wins and comes into these corrupt states and dives deeply into the corruptness using the power of the federal government.
Remember how Patty Murray originally got installed? (And WA hasn't had a GOP Senator since.)
A proto-Me-Too operation against Sen. Brock Adams, that just happened to be timed to coincide with the rise of the Clintons in POTUS politics (1991-1992).
And the "victim" was legally represented by the lesbian who later was installed as Seattle's mayor (Jenny Durkan).
The power couple running Seattle (The Stranger)
Who is Jenny Durkan
Who wouldn't "marry" her partner, because if they'd done so, the partner's tens of millions of personal fortune would be subject to public sunshine.
And remember who was the "victim" in the anti-Adams operation? A female (whose family was a long time friend of Adams, and she went to visit him alone at night while his wife was away)...who went on to marry the guy who presided over the chaos at Evergreen State in 2017. (George Bridges, former head of the Mary Gates Foundation at UW-Seattle. Yes, Bill Gates's mom's named foundation.)
Pugetopolis politics operates under such a bell jar, it's a wonder oxygen still finds its way there.
WANG? Really? Not just WNG?
If WANG supports the police, what supports the WANG?
On a serious note, I wonder what Inslees move is here. We know hes a corrupt POS. We know his motivations and goals do not align with ours. The fire bombed ballot boxes were in SW Washington. Is this a conservative area or rat stronghold? Has Inslee been neutralized by the Patriots?
Good observation, maybe they're there to protect the bad guys. NG need to remember: 4956 Jun 24, 2022 11:04:01 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 16506930 Are you ready to serve your country again? REMEMBER YOUR OATH. Q
I missed your comment before. It's an interesting point.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn (in 300 years) that the same people were arsoning ballot boxes in red Vancouver WA and blue Portland OR, with the same mayhem contractors behind them. Regionally, rather than federally maybe (as Mike Benz describes the partnership between globo policy setters and their operations teams). Confusion and chaos.
Or as we used to say in Mindf!ck School, they install buttons so they can push them later.
We saw this chaos blueprint in Pugetopolis in '17, when everybody from George Soros to Mike Bloomberg and who knows who were sending in chaos agents to cities and campuses...and even to the rural communities. And remember the massive number of I-5-adjacent arsons? Particularly in the corridor between Olympia and Portland, where Globo has bought up so much land, and has eyes on other land, for future airports, seaports, rail lines, and Revittowns filled with Asians.
And then came the Covid Chaos election disruption operation, beginning of '20...with "ground zero" of the "pandemic" a nursing home in Kirkland (home of Costco HQ), equidistant between Gateslandia (Redmond) and Bezosville (Seattle). That nursing home being part of a national chain that had been massively fined for Medicare fraud.
Given the prevalence of Tech, Pharma, and Maritime/Logistics in Pugetopolis--a fully owned subsidiary of Chyna--that of course means MIC. All I can ever imagine is that they're all in on it, whatever IT is.
And again, per Mike Benz's interview (I linked it down a few comments) lays out the trillions at stake. Those who have been wrangling humans like cattle all my Oldfag GenX life never expected their globohegemon status to be challenged, never mind by some upstart who, like many Americans, thinks the US republic is a pretty good idea.
Maggot Man Manages Misdeeds
Remember Inslee's Snitch List/Stasi phone line operation that Glen revealed?
One of the horrible governors that violated rights and harmed people. Via putting sick people in with elderly patients to get higher death numbers, closing down the economy, mandating masks, mandating shots. So many illegal actions. A lot of crimes against kids not listed; lack of parental consent to things... he put a lot of new laws in place that are creepy.
Inslee is a flat out Communist.
Either the leadership of our NG (wang in Inslee's world) is seriously compromised or he will regret, bigly, doing this.
I actually believe this is more of a propaganda move than anything else. Make the sheep feel safe while the duplicating of ballots fires away.
Based on his "covid" grandstanding, this is a way to embolden Democrats to weaponize the election process/outcomes against those who don't vote Democrat.
It feeds into the paranoid hostility and hysteria of the carefully tended Globo bots.
The mask, lockdown, and jab orders had no legal legs under them, but they still encouraged and empowered individuals, employers, businesses, retailers (like Costco), etc., to conduct a Stasi-esque terror campaign to root out anyone who didn't march in lockstep with the statist/globo party.
Inslee's handlers know how vile and divisive their boots-on-the-ground agents are. They have been using Pugetopolis as a lab for divisiveness and destruction for decades now. Just as Mike Benz described last week.
(skip ahead a bit past the interviewer's grandstanding)
Benz is another one that should be added to Trump's admin. IMHO.
So we can compare this deployment to BLM actual riots in 2020:
“The guard are unarmed peacekeepers,” he said. “They are there to help support local communities.”
"Karina Shagren, a spokeswoman for the National Guard, said that about 350 National Guard members are deployed in the state Monday, with about 20 in Spokane and the remainder in the King County metro areas."
Every service member, and particularly every soldier, (not the same thing) must remember that they swore an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, not the government in power.
4956 Jun 24, 2022 11:04:01 PM EDT Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 16506930 Are you ready to serve your country again? REMEMBER YOUR OATH. Q
I remember well, that oath expires when I draw my last breath, and close my eyes for the last time.
JBLM is full of DEI hires/recruits who would destroy anything they were ordered to if they were promised a cut after.
If you think that Muh Military is full of Hollywood platoons of bright eyed jug eared patriots of WW2, you haven't been paying attention.
I refer to these, not the foofoo fighters to whom you refer.