So we have Somali leaders in Minneapolis endorsing Trump, Muslim leaders in Hamtramck, Michigan endorsing Trump, Navaho leaders in New Mexico endorsing Trump. Black men are leaving the plantation in droves. Hispanics too.
No amount of cheating beats Trump. We know it, they know it. My opinion is the play now is to use the fraud to win the House and muck up certification as Jaime Raskin foreshadowed months ago and a fear campaign warning the rat npcs that Trump will round up "dissidents" and force them into camps, "justifying" armed resistance.
I sure hope the Patriots are watching the down ballot races as closely as they are the Presidential.
I smell a rat here. I could see Christian Somalis backing Trump, but not the Muslim Somalis. It's known that A LOT of Somalis aren't here to make a better life for themselves. All we need is for one, or a group of them to back Trump right before going on jihad. It would be very bad news coverage should this happen and would play into multiple narratives for [them]. It would be the equivalent of a wet dream for the MSM.
Only Kamala has the Hezbollah, the Muslims, the Somalis, etc.
Only a small percentage of Somalis and Ethiopians are christian....
Something isn't right here. The most ultra leftwing ghetto downtown people aren't gunna all of a sudden go trump. Minneapolis is an ultra leftwing shithole. As we saw with the BLM riots and burning down of the city
obummer dumped like 74K of them in mpls and they have multipled 10 fold since. they have made shitholes out of mpls and the metro area along with st. cloud. the salami gangs are violent and local cops cover up alot of the crimes. kids are getting the crap beat out of them in schools because the salami have no desire to assimilate. they run massive childcare fraud rings bilking the state of millions and recently a huge feed the children scam. every year they have huge fights at MOA and mpls has been known as the terrorist recruitment in our country. you couldn't pay me to go near downtown with the crime and standing curfew. big difference between those that came here for a better way of life and those that were dumped here as refugees who still get free handouts from hard working citizens. I've lived in MN for over 30yrs and it's sad to see how all this has destroyed a once vibrant downtown where it was safe, now a ghost town as most stores have pulled out of downtown.
This is all 100% true. I lived in Minneapolis for 25 years, more recently in the neighborhood that has the most Somali in the country. Thank God I'm not there anymore!!
If you’re here illegally you are Still getting deported back to Somalia buddy.
So we have Somali leaders in Minneapolis endorsing Trump, Muslim leaders in Hamtramck, Michigan endorsing Trump, Navaho leaders in New Mexico endorsing Trump. Black men are leaving the plantation in droves. Hispanics too.
No amount of cheating beats Trump. We know it, they know it. My opinion is the play now is to use the fraud to win the House and muck up certification as Jaime Raskin foreshadowed months ago and a fear campaign warning the rat npcs that Trump will round up "dissidents" and force them into camps, "justifying" armed resistance.
I sure hope the Patriots are watching the down ballot races as closely as they are the Presidential.
I smell a rat here. I could see Christian Somalis backing Trump, but not the Muslim Somalis. It's known that A LOT of Somalis aren't here to make a better life for themselves. All we need is for one, or a group of them to back Trump right before going on jihad. It would be very bad news coverage should this happen and would play into multiple narratives for [them]. It would be the equivalent of a wet dream for the MSM.
Be on guard with this one.
Yeah this is very sus.
Trump is known to normies as being pro Israel.
Only Kamala has the Hezbollah, the Muslims, the Somalis, etc.
Only a small percentage of Somalis and Ethiopians are christian....
Something isn't right here. The most ultra leftwing ghetto downtown people aren't gunna all of a sudden go trump. Minneapolis is an ultra leftwing shithole. As we saw with the BLM riots and burning down of the city
I was there during the riots as well, but they do seem sincere in the video so we'll see.
It's also unlikely deeply dogmatic Muslims would vote for a female president either.
Most unexpected!
Bingo is a tough game.
They are trying to cover their @sses because that community cheated or was forced to cheat because of Ilan Omar and their bounce of misfits.
In Minneapolis? Too many!!!
Yes, the infestation is great.
Gotta deal with this shit anywhere within half hour of downtown.
4/5ths of the nation of somalia live in minnesota.
obummer dumped like 74K of them in mpls and they have multipled 10 fold since. they have made shitholes out of mpls and the metro area along with st. cloud. the salami gangs are violent and local cops cover up alot of the crimes. kids are getting the crap beat out of them in schools because the salami have no desire to assimilate. they run massive childcare fraud rings bilking the state of millions and recently a huge feed the children scam. every year they have huge fights at MOA and mpls has been known as the terrorist recruitment in our country. you couldn't pay me to go near downtown with the crime and standing curfew. big difference between those that came here for a better way of life and those that were dumped here as refugees who still get free handouts from hard working citizens. I've lived in MN for over 30yrs and it's sad to see how all this has destroyed a once vibrant downtown where it was safe, now a ghost town as most stores have pulled out of downtown.
This is all 100% true. I lived in Minneapolis for 25 years, more recently in the neighborhood that has the most Somali in the country. Thank God I'm not there anymore!!