Theory. PA will cheat bigly. Elon has been tracking PA for weeks, showing mathematically how Rs will win it. When D's 'win' PA bigly, Elon will become a main character in exposing it via data he has been collecting. FISA works both ways.
Yeah - I’m an analytic person and it confuses me too. I think it’s the difference between registrations. They could change the number to positive and flip the Y axis and make it positive.
Theory. PA will cheat bigly. Elon has been tracking PA for weeks, showing mathematically how Rs will win it. When D's 'win' PA bigly, Elon will become a main character in exposing it via data he has been collecting. FISA works both ways.
He just said he can master cars and rocketry he can master politics. Math wins.
Last time they had what, over 600,000 more mail ballots counted that were actually sent out? This state is the poster child for election fraud.
I dunno, GA is gunning for their crown.
Sorry you didn't take in consideration the most corrupt state headed by Unions and Commie Shapiro.
Commie Shapiro is George Soros, Jr.'s butt boy.
The particular use of colors on that graph sure made it look like we were losing until I read the legend.
Negative Y-values mean we're still trailing Dems? How do you read this graph?
Yeah - I’m an analytic person and it confuses me too. I think it’s the difference between registrations. They could change the number to positive and flip the Y axis and make it positive.
What is the graph actually showing? I see the 600k difference but the R-D votes key has me confused.
Q. How is it that Pennsylvania is key. Is it the electoral votes? I thought California, Florida, Texas, were key states. What am I missing?
You're missing the swing state concept. CA, FL and TX are not swing states. The swing states are: