A name I didn't see, but could have easily missed, is Debra Messing. She was all in on 0bama. I haven't heard from her lately. I do know she left X after Elon got it.
I was just thinking about that before I read your comment. She was almost more famous for being a far left loon than she was for anything she ever did as an actress.
They knew what they were doing was wrong and harmful. Was there adrenochrome? Well, we know that process and children died. Pride and ego did this to them(celebs, elite sludge). They're no good to us and we can't even use them for fertilizer =P. I forgive them, but they need to pay for what they've done. God†has a plan for them, if They'll let Him†in.
Check out a Breitbart list of compromised celebs, if Don Jr is correct (which I'm sure he is):
A name I didn't see, but could have easily missed, is Debra Messing. She was all in on 0bama. I haven't heard from her lately. I do know she left X after Elon got it.
I was just thinking about that before I read your comment. She was almost more famous for being a far left loon than she was for anything she ever did as an actress.
I really liked her as Grace Adler. She played it well. Her 0bama adoration was utterly disgusting.
Wow that’s quite a list.
Martha Stewart was close. She attended his 29th (1998) and 40th (2009) birthday parties and bragged about 2009. Photo from 1998: https://greatawakening.win/p/199Ohr1BNA/110498-puff-daddy-birthday-gala-/
They knew what they were doing was wrong and harmful. Was there adrenochrome? Well, we know that process and children died. Pride and ego did this to them(celebs, elite sludge). They're no good to us and we can't even use them for fertilizer =P. I forgive them, but they need to pay for what they've done. God†has a plan for them, if They'll let Him†in.
Demons crimin’.
Thx for saying the quiet part out loud
They belong to the Hollywood Satanic Cabal. The Illuminati.
They owe their success to being part of the Illuminati. Now it's time to pay-up.
What's he say at the 50 second mark? Audio is edited or buffer/lag some sort of tech issue?
I think he is saying, 'They're fucked." The fucked is blanked out with silence.
I'm keeping my hat on
Why does Taylor Swift look have manly facial bone structure thinly disguised with a bit of plastic surgery and LOTS of makeup? Asking for a fren.
What about AL Pacino?
I agree!
Upvoted and reposted.