160 ARE WE BACK? I'M THINKIN' WE'RE BACK! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 months ago by KillerKap 3 months ago by KillerKap +160 / -0 18 comments download share 18 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Link to the X video Elon posted with a massive Q nod at 00:38
Holy moly.
It’s happening.
like the JUMP! music
HAVE to be kidding me
JFC that is a massive hopium injection with a needle the size of a harpoon!
Love this!
djt waves from the drive thru
This video is lit. Could be the best hype video I've seen and shared by no other than Elon. LFG
Shiiiiiiiiiit I love it!!!!!!
That's an awesome video!
Great, smile inducing.
🇺🇸 https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/788610706392587494/85BFCF16AC0317F0D2F77067CDDA1EBC14F98185/?imw=512&imh=246&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=true
and i've got Pnut with me motherf'ers.
Always have been.
Ronald McDonald? Is that why President Trump worked there -- as a diversion? In case they caught wind of "Ronald McDonald" before the activation? Whatever "it" is -- the word is out today in Elon's video.
Or maybe I am overthinking it...
Ronald McDonald came from a joke video of Sam Hyde being an activation term for the right wing militia pushback against the tyrannical gov.
Ronald McDonald activated the Plan. When Trump worked at McDonald's. Right?
definitely raised my eyebrow