Have you read Papillion? The convicts claimed that when someone died, the ringing of the church bell drew in the sharks and the bodies never made it to the bottom of the sea.
I’d be willing to contribute to a gofundme account to cover their travel expenses; I think the accommodations once they arrive are already taken care of…
Said in another post. Lying liers, that lie. They said this last time and they are still here. Fine, we will get you on the panda shit. You fing retards.
Came here to ask the same. Would rather see her follow through with her threat than have her still on the planet breathing the same air. Wondering how soon the suicide weekend will happen.
I used to love reading his books. You should have seen me reading his books when a Presbyterian pastor took over our Methodist church and made a mess of it.
Yep!!! I'm glad I don't recognize most of them. Are they all actors??d The most despised people in recent past history. They were not even allowed to be buried in a church cemetery. They were considered to be immoral. They are professional liars, pretending to be someone they were not.
Does a one way ticket to GITMO count as leaving the country?
Oh yes, that would count.
Well then, let's load them up and ship them out, and get the boat flotilla going.
Give them the unsinkable Titanic.
Have you read Papillion? The convicts claimed that when someone died, the ringing of the church bell drew in the sharks and the bodies never made it to the bottom of the sea.
The Titanic needs a dinner bell
I never read that but I am waiting for them to go.
We're leaving on a jet plane, and we won't be coming back again. Hum along 😂
I’d be willing to contribute to a gofundme account to cover their travel expenses; I think the accommodations once they arrive are already taken care of…
Since they won't be needing their assets, we should all be getting a refund after travel and trial expenses have been covered.
It's a great time to be alive, oh happy day! Please quickly pack your bags and gtfo, you won't be missed.
I won't miss them either.
Said in another post. Lying liers, that lie. They said this last time and they are still here. Fine, we will get you on the panda shit. You fing retards.
Panda shit? You mean Epstein or Diddy?
WE have it ALL. Q
Yes. I know this. Let's hope we will find out soon.
All Blow Holes. Hopefully they get there wish with an all expense paid one way trip to Club GITMO. Let the retribution tour begin!
I definitely want to see it.
Is Bette drinking drano yet or just getting jabbed again?
Give Dems their jabs. It would help them.
Came here to ask the same. Would rather see her follow through with her threat than have her still on the planet breathing the same air. Wondering how soon the suicide weekend will happen.
I thought they were leaving in 2016 ? guess it takes them 8 years to pack their bags
8 years to pack a bag? Howls. I can pack mine in 8 minutes. I travel.
They do have a lot of baggage.
They're hoping PLAN Z will work.
Plan Z is for them to leave this world quickly
I just bought a can of Draino for Whoopi. Bottoms up there Whoop!
I don’t see Stephen King on that list. I wonder if Bette Midler drank her concoction yet.
Oh right. Stephen *eaking King.
I used to love reading his books. You should have seen me reading his books when a Presbyterian pastor took over our Methodist church and made a mess of it.
I am looking forward to watching Bette Midler drink Drano
I just want them on a one way trip to somewhere hot.
Diddy Party roster?
Patience, Grasshopper....
Could be Epstein also.
I'm scared as F. Will Ferrall said he's coming for me. Because I voted for TRUMP. What should I do????
Your name is not Gary, right?
No. But today I identify as Gary.
Oh that's right. You could do that.
I don't know who half these people are, but if they are actors, I am glad that the curse of "celebrity" seems to be ending.
I know less than half also.
I wonder how P Diddy must be feeling right now?
Balls in a bunch.
Sure a short trip to the end of Cuba called gitmo.
Let's go.
Yep!!! I'm glad I don't recognize most of them. Are they all actors??d The most despised people in recent past history. They were not even allowed to be buried in a church cemetery. They were considered to be immoral. They are professional liars, pretending to be someone they were not.
I know about 1/4 of them.
Dear Taylor, we are never, ever, getting back together again.
I would listen to Britney before listening to Taylor. Yuk.