Leaving the Country Isn't Enough - Montage of Liberals Saying They're Going to Off Themselves if Trump Wins... Look How the MSM Has Brainwashed Them. Sad!
Suicide Weekend? so sad, the media has completely brainwashed them.
If THIS will trigger the suicide weekend, the Joy Reids, Richard Madcows, and that intern murderers of the corporate media will be to blame.
Booster shot week end. New one out.
they gotta save themselves from the mean tweets some how.
Suicide weekend? Maybe that was not disinformation from Q. Would a pack of them actually set a time and date and do it? Honestly i Pray not. Taking your life is never the answer.
So true.
That's exactly what I was thinking... but only today was it involving regular libtards
Suicide Wednesday?
I think they want attention to be reassured or talked down.
Don't forget the idiot who said she was going to drink Drano. It'll save the cost of the plane ticket.
They really are sick...
Their brains are so f'd up I don't know how it's possible for them to ever recover...
Pray for them.
Yeah the salt flow and all that... whatever...
These people need serious help to see the light
Trump mentioning shutting down the department of education - with all their marxist liberal bs brainwashing is a good start.
Be kind... these people are mentally unwell and see the world through very distorted lenses...
We need to invest in mental health that does not just involve a pill
They need reeducation...
This is sad to watch. I don't want these people to be so mentally destroyed. They're too brainwashed.
It is...
I mean we can gloat a little...
But we still have to interact with these mentally deranged people going forward.
The MSM is to blame for this as well as the indoctrination/education system.
No healthy person would arrive at the conclusions they come up with...They require serious mental gymnastics
Promises, promises.
Pics or it didn't happen....
I pray these ppl wake up, stick around, open their hearts and watch life improve.
Mentally unhinged people. Seek help immediately. Nothing is worth taking your life.
We're gonna need more shovels...
A glimpse into just how f'd up their outlook on the world is:
Check out the blonde haired DEMON about half way thru: https://youtu.be/Av9ZSZDqO8M
Extra: https://youtu.be/D5AaEBY0bVU