Oh Oh Oh Oh ( Think Horshack) This would make a great medieval fair. There could be different booths where different low life libs could end their miserable lives. 5 cents to enter the tent to watch.
well if they call a trip to GITMO, leaving the USA, i'm good.
if they think they can flee to a grand mansion in some shithole country to continue to abuse children, nope. they all need to be dead as in never, ever hurting another child, dead.
Cher needs to go first. that old whore might not make it through trials if we wait too much longer.
Nice but I'm not sure this is entirely accurate. For example, Bill Gates? I looked that up and could only find X posts that say he said that. That is not sauce of any kind fren.
I hear that land and comm'l real estate is being bought up and a new Hollywood is literally being mapped out in Louisiana and Calif scum moving there in a rush. Not sure if true. Because I also heard it is Atlanta where they want to do it.
You forgot the Jedi Faggot Mark Hamill lol
And " fuk your freedom" Arnold.
And most of those people are on the f****** epstein list.
Oh Oh Oh Oh ( Think Horshack) This would make a great medieval fair. There could be different booths where different low life libs could end their miserable lives. 5 cents to enter the tent to watch.
well if they call a trip to GITMO, leaving the USA, i'm good.
if they think they can flee to a grand mansion in some shithole country to continue to abuse children, nope. they all need to be dead as in never, ever hurting another child, dead.
Cher needs to go first. that old whore might not make it through trials if we wait too much longer.
Nice but I'm not sure this is entirely accurate. For example, Bill Gates? I looked that up and could only find X posts that say he said that. That is not sauce of any kind fren.
Bill Gates is a horrendous rapist, pedophile and murderer.
I hear that land and comm'l real estate is being bought up and a new Hollywood is literally being mapped out in Louisiana and Calif scum moving there in a rush. Not sure if true. Because I also heard it is Atlanta where they want to do it.