So on election night i decided to watch TV for the first tine since election night 2020…
And i was watching Savannah Guthrie, and i remembered her because she interviewed Trump and made a fool of herself,
But this time her and her panel were suspiciously chipper, happy, upbeat,
And my first impression was that they must know the fix is in…
But then as the night went on, they started racking up the electoral votes for Trump and Harris, and Trump was way out ahead right away, but Guthrie et al just kept being happy…
I was waiting for the change of demeanor, but it never came. They seemed totally happy that Trump was winning…
Then it occured to me that just because Trump wins election, doesnt mean he will get to be POTUS…
What do these news people know, that we don’t know?
Do they know the election didnt matter, because something will happen to Trump anyway?
How are y’all 8 years deep into the plan and still paranoid? The enemy is long dead people everything is FAKE
it is Never a bad thing to be skeptical, critical, curious, cautious, etc. especially when you know what the fuck we are up against. sure, you may be right, but the reason a movement like us can form is for our BASE nature to be curious/cautious/critical. we use our fucking brains and intuition, and entertaining multiple ideas is the way Truth and Consensus form.
well said
Brilliant stated
amazing username😂😂
Fake? Ask those J6er's in prison if this is fake. Ask all the children that are traffic and abused in inconceivable ways if this fake. No my friend, you need a reality check and get out your dream world. FFS This shit is real!!
I’m talking about the political events not the world problems themselves. You gotta be a fool to think Biden was legitimately in charge for the last 4 years.
Ahh! Sorry for the misunderstanding fren. Ya had meh worried for minute! :)
The assassination attempt was fake?
No, it wasn't fake. The people who make that absurd claim don't have a grip on reality. No shooter can control a bullet in real time to match a moving target to a millimeter. The poor guy who was killed by a stray shot wasn't fake. The two others who were seriously injured weren't fake. We should have no tolerance for claims of theatricality that involve the injury or death of innocent people.
Yes. It’s all optics. Look at the Q post from that time. Red Carpet! Emmys! You’ve done it again Q!
You are watching a movie
Do you have any proof the assassination attempt was fake? No? Thought so
So the assassination attempt was fake? That's a BlueAnon take.
To Gods almighty ears my friend °7