Wounded in the head, rising back up and bringing world peace. Biblical? I'm a 100% Trump supporter and I don't believe it, but it still nags me in the back of my mind. Either way, God wins.
The fatal wound of the Antichrist is definitely more than a grazed ear... that said, it's wise to be cautiously optimistic! Another aspect to also consider is that the Antichrist is described as little horn of power out of 10 horns (horns = world powers of the End Times), at whose rise three will fall... I don't believe we've seen any of this really take place just yet!
Also the Antichrist is going to make a peace treaty with Israel for seven years... the day the treaty is signed is the start of the seven-year Tribulation, at the very middle of which Antichrist will betray them and the world.
On this note, there is a VERY important thing to pay attention to here. Biblical timekeeping does not use the Julian/Gregorian calendar of 365-day years. It uses a lunar, 360 day calendar.
This means that, when that peace treaty is signed between the Antichrist and Israel, 1260 days, NOT 1278 days, will pass before the treaty is broken. Keep this in mind, frens!
My hope is that banana republics and countries still controlled by the British monarchy are freed! The people in my country are so brainwashed that they fight to keep royal figures on their currency! This fight is to liberate them from a prison, they don't even know exists and would fight to keep!
Wounded in the head, rising back up and bringing world peace. Biblical? I'm a 100% Trump supporter and I don't believe it, but it still nags me in the back of my mind. Either way, God wins.
The fatal wound of the Antichrist is definitely more than a grazed ear... that said, it's wise to be cautiously optimistic! Another aspect to also consider is that the Antichrist is described as little horn of power out of 10 horns (horns = world powers of the End Times), at whose rise three will fall... I don't believe we've seen any of this really take place just yet!
I was thinking the same thing. I was asking God in prayer about it a few moments ago.
Eschatology will drive you bananas if you're not careful.
Yes, head wound. But it wasn't a mortal wound, nor did the world marvel at Trump's regenerative speedster healing.
Plus, it's 'one' of the 7 heads. Last I checked yesterday, Trump only has one. Then again, yesterday was Thursday so who knows. 🤔
Also the Antichrist is going to make a peace treaty with Israel for seven years... the day the treaty is signed is the start of the seven-year Tribulation, at the very middle of which Antichrist will betray them and the world.
On this note, there is a VERY important thing to pay attention to here. Biblical timekeeping does not use the Julian/Gregorian calendar of 365-day years. It uses a lunar, 360 day calendar.
This means that, when that peace treaty is signed between the Antichrist and Israel, 1260 days, NOT 1278 days, will pass before the treaty is broken. Keep this in mind, frens!
Not if the cabal has anything to say about it.
On the other hand, Biden has actually been acting presidential since the election results came out.
I'm not sure what exactly this is supposed to prove. This is just what foreign heads of state do when there is a clear winner of the election.
My hope is that banana republics and countries still controlled by the British monarchy are freed! The people in my country are so brainwashed that they fight to keep royal figures on their currency! This fight is to liberate them from a prison, they don't even know exists and would fight to keep!
WWIII averted! Achievement unlocked!