Leelanau county is in West Michigan, and was a long-standing red county. It had shifted blue after the Tuesday election, but now with the “glitch” corrected it shifted back to RED! 🇺🇸
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
Let's keep the wins coming in.
We need a forensic audit of every precinct in the country.
This is the kind of thing we expect from the Dems. Our electoral system is so f-ed up.
Im assuming that this is the result of dem fuckery.
Haven't heard of any going the other direction
Safe (and effective!) assumption.
Spot on!
Impact on the Senate race? Need to have Rogers win.
Another source
California is showing 69% of votes tallied for President but only 67% for Senate and House...?
So, THATS how they gonna ensure it's not stolen!! Lol. Fixing Dominion's "glitch"
That’s probably the narrow margin that elected the butt ugly CIA ANALyst, Elissa slotkin for senator replacing the equally hideous Debbie Stabenow.
I remember back in 2020 when Dr. Shiva did his research on how the Dominion algorithm focused on swapping votes in the most red counties to pad the popular vote under the radar. Sounds like they were at work even this time. Too big to rig!
Antrim County in 2020. Same northwest corner of Michigan.
Both use the same machines and software dominion and smartmatics
I'm surprised Traverse City went red
Please be all votes for Mike Rogers. I hate that cunt Slutkin.