Hope someone can help me. I have a big problem, I'm addicted to "The Donald. Win and the "Great Awakening". I'm getting behind in my chores and my wife is not happy. Any suggestions?
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Get her a laptop
Kek. Mine figured it out on her phone. She's down the rabbit hole now too.
I personally navigate from a tablet and a phone. But I'm slightly dumber than a bag of hammers and can't remember my original password. So on the tablet I'm this name, but on my phone I'm Sumthnag__. It is what it is.
Too technical for her.......
Keep your wife occupied by having her do your chores.
Follow me for more relationship advice.
LOL........I sure will!
Me too! I had to tell myself to "put the phone down" today to clean the floor but turned out to be the perfect time to listen to posts with long videos. Pumped for MAGA!!!
Great idea......
Take a break, listen to your wife, be the man you know you are and come back when you can. Tech addiction is real.
Get your wife addicted too. Problem solved!
Rosie Palms or Happy Wife? ...moderation is important, grasshopper. Now take out the trash, and rake some leaves and give your wife a hickey.
Do a couple chores, browse, do a couple more, browse again.
The secret to happiness is moderation.
Hire an illegal to do your chores.
Your not the only one bro.
I didn't think so........
I find it helpful to simply imagine I’m scrolling gaw when I’m not, there’s some really good Hopium in the mind scroll
Retire and have your wife troll GAW with you as you both sit on the couch and watch college football. Get her involved with your extraciricular activities. She'll change her mind and maybe then she will help you with your chores.
I tell her to try it but deep down inside she just wants me to tell her what's going on........
Happy Wife, Happy Life
C before D
Really? You need our suggestions while being such a good analyst?
Self control.
Save podcasts, and videos that you find on your favorite websites, on your phone. Later, do your chores while listening to those vids. Also, turn the video resolution setting down to its lowest setting to save data while you listen, and chore.