Whose ready to post on BS! They didn’t even think about the initials, lol. It won’t matter. Free speech is coming back. Laws are gonna get enforced for once. And social media is about to be gutted of rot, or shutdown completely. Looking at you Facebook.
LOL...the logo is hilarious if they're going for thinly veiled psyops aka project monarch
Whose ready to post on BS! They didn’t even think about the initials, lol. It won’t matter. Free speech is coming back. Laws are gonna get enforced for once. And social media is about to be gutted of rot, or shutdown completely. Looking at you Facebook.
Elon should buy it and shut it down. That would be the best couple hundred bucks he ever spent.
They can not handle life outside of their bubble.
Cease and desist?
BS looks like a copy of x
I was thinking he buys it 😂😂😂
It's Dorsey's project, so...
Hey, a butterfly! Like the Butterfly festival that Disney Cruise went to at Little Saint James Island?
AKA have sex with your daughter cruise!
Man, they love their echo-chambers.... Truth is like sunlight to them, it destroys them.
Nice pedo symbolism, i see why they like it.
What are they doing, it's ruining my favorite song from Daytona USA
Oh, I recognize that song
The short bus destination of social media.
Well, looks like a fun place to be just like their Tribel.com.
Did they have to name it after such a good Dickey Betts tune?
I've been watching this project for a few years, wondering if it would somehow be the sky event. It's Dorsey's, FYI.