I am doing a dig on Val Kilmer and there is nothing
He tends to play iconic roles
Jim Morrison
The Saint
The Real Genius part had him redirecting space lasers to make popcorn- That is AWFULLY interesting
So far zero red shoe flags hmmmmm
Looks like Madonna between Jr. And Val.
Yeah...aka "bitch witch"
...ya and ' boobed up '
I am confused. Where does Val Kilmer fit in to the current scenario?
I remember something about him a few years ago but can’t recall what exactly.
I see JFKJr .. I see GEOTUS... Who dat other?
Val Kilmer, supposedly. I don't know for certain.
Check on Val Kilmer. Looking for sauce also Madonna? The woman
Is that George Michael behind Madonna, face partly obscured?
I'd say no.
Yep, it's Val Kilmer, same clothes in other pics, and it is Madonna too.
"It was a star studded event with celebrities such as Donald Trump, Madonna, JFK Jr, Gregory Hines, Shaquille O’Neal and Val Kilmer were all in attendance."
I am doing a dig on Val Kilmer and there is nothing He tends to play iconic roles Jim Morrison Maverick The Saint Batman Madmartigan The Real Genius part had him redirecting space lasers to make popcorn- That is AWFULLY interesting So far zero red shoe flags hmmmmm
Look up Thunderheart.
Will do TY