Massive $1 trillion, 1,023-page spending bill pushed through Congress—packed with shocking provisions.
Some of the most significant and discussed provisions: Federal Agencies Funding: Funding for departments like Defense, Homeland Security, Labor, Trade, State, Education, Health and Human Services, etc. Border Security: Increased funding for border security...
They can push whatever bills they want. The game is over and they are hoping the new administration will say "sorry, we wanted to do this, but this bill is signed so our hands are tied". Little do they know, it is game over.
If we can't do anything about it, let it go.... If Trump gets signed in, THEN THE HAMMER FALLS.
Why does seeming Trump ally Mike Johnson keep going for this hyperspending commie stuff
What am I missing
He's not a trump Ally and he never has been he is always been a fucking rhino I've been saying this from the get-go the dude is the wrong person to be speaker or maybe we should just completely fucking abolish the position of speaker ship because it seems like every single fucking person who gets the speaker ship or the Senate majority leadership ends up being corrupt as fuck by it
Watch the little piggies dig their snouts into this trough to suck up the last morsel before inauguration day/MOASS arrives
Why haven't I been elected to Congress? I'm at least sane. Why are we paying 15M for Egyptians to be educated? That is the responsibility of their government. Don't even get me started on the other absurd things on that list. What is wrong with those people? Don't they know the value of a dollar? They must not or they woudn't be wasting it on such bullshit.
I swear they all need to be put to work at a menial job for a few weeks to get a feel for the worth of an individual dollar. Then they'd stop throwing millions away on crap.
It's called "payola" and it's how our government has been run for decades.
"Attention, Walmart shoppers..."
First of all, anything done by a criminal enterprise is a crime. These passed laws can not stand, if passed by criminals-so if the Biden/Harris team want to pass all these laws, congress starts them, the House passes them then the senate okays what is before them, the president then signs them-Biden (in spite of recent friendship with Trump, is still an enemy of the US) so they should be ruled illegal. Our congress has never been so busy.
At least I hope I am right. Barry was an illegitimate president, so everything he did should be wiped out including, especially, the Affordable Care Act!
Does that mean I can resubmit my request to have Trump sign my Dads military accommodation documents?
I think that would be a nice request especially if he honors it. If Obama or Biden signed the accommodation I would request one from Trump. Just to get the response. It will probably be the auto-pen signature. I wouldn't want anything signed by Obama or Biden as they hated the military and our country. My discharge papers were signed by Richard Nixon, now I know he may not have been legitimate either.
So they reached into your bank account and slipped out $10. So what. What are you crying about here ? Can't buy a bag of Cheetohs, a six pack ? People are starving and we own the moral authority to do what is right. Go cry to mamma.
That ^^ was the Demonrat justification for your theft. Based on 100 million tax payers, wow , we could have done alot of things with that cash. Food for thought !!
Hey Elon is that DOGE Bowl (AI Program) ready to be filled with this bill? Time for DOGE to eat!!!!
Any Republican who signs on to that monstrosity should be made aware that once POTUS takes over their future in politics is finished and that MAGA will look very hard at their personal finances, the contributors to their campaigns and anything that looks out of place will be referred to the New Justice Dept.
Term Limits and Sunshine on their Bank Accounts. They look at ours anytime it’s over $10k in or out and call it fighting terrorism.